ickaimp's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Lucerne, Switzerland
Places edited in Maine
Places visited in Lincoln, New Hampshire
Places visited in Eastport, Maine
Places edited in Worcester, Massachusetts
Places edited in Leadville, Colorado
Places edited in New Hampshire
Places edited in Concord, Massachusetts
Places edited in Jamestown, Rhode Island
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Santa Fe, New Mexico

Burning of Zozobra

Setting this massive marionette aflame rids Santa Fe of doom and gloom for another year.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Camel Rock

A natural formation that resembles a camel resting in the New Mexico desert.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Oak Harbor, Washington

Blue Fox Drive-In Theatre

Sleep beneath the big screen at this old-school movie theater.
Anacortes, Washington

La Merced Breakwater - Overgrown Ship Hulk

This dilapidated ship carcass covered in trees is a striking sight.
Seattle, Washington

Lenin Statue of Fremont

Statue of Lenin, from Cold War era Czechoslovakia, now in a neighborhood of Seattle.
Seattle, Washington


This sculpture forces visitors to confront their relationship with space.
Seattle, Washington

Neukom Vivarium

A rotting tree in the middle of Seattle doubles as an elaborately-controlled art piece.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Seattle, Washington

Ye Olde Curiosity Shop

A 100-year-old purveyor of curiosities, curios, and kitsch featuring mummies, shrunken heads, and a Fiji Mermaid.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.
Seattle, Washington

Lockspot Cafe

An eclectic restaurant serving from and to the nearby Chittenden Locks.
Seattle, Washington

Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Gardens

A young botanist's horticultural vision realized through a lifetime of planting, tending, and collecting seeds.
Seattle, Washington

Hiram M. Chittenden Locks

Allowing humans and fish alike to migrate from freshwater to saltwater and back again.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
Seattle, Washington

World Famous Giant Shoe Museum

An old-timey peepshow allows visitors to gawk at some of the world's most freakishly large footwear.
Seattle, Washington

Psychic Chicken of Seattle

Deep into the lower floors of Pike Place, find a date with fowl fate.
Ashford, Washington

Mount Rainier

The highest point in Washington state is a volcano covered in glaciers.
Seattle, Washington

Kubota Garden

This semi-secret garden in south Seattle emulates a traditional Japanese garden using the plants of the Pacific Northwest.
Glenwood Springs, Colorado

Doc Holliday's Grave

Even in death, he's still your huckleberry.
Denver, Colorado

International Church of Cannabis

A technicolor place of worship for Elevationists.
Lafayette, Colorado

Vampire Grave of Lafayette

According to local legend, a tree grew from the stake that killed this alleged vampire. In reality, he probably died from influenza.
Denver, Colorado

Cheesman Park

A downtown park built on top of unclaimed graves.
Littleton, Colorado

Columbine Memorial

A memorial dedicated to the victims of the Columbine High School shootings.