ih8peas2015's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Niigata, Japan

Wara Art

Giant animal sculptures are created with the rice straw leftover from the fall harvest each year.
Skamania, Washington

The Ape Cave

The longest continuous lava tube in the continental U.S. offers 2.5 miles of dark explorations for the adventurous.
Dripping Springs, Texas

Hamilton Pool

An emerald-green grotto just a short trip from Austin.
Malakwa, British Columbia

The Enchanted Forest

An old world fairytale-land with over 350 fairy folk figurines hidden amongst 800 year old cedars.
Winthrop, Washington

Barron Ghost Town

Hundreds of hopeful gold miners came here to get rich, but only two years later the small town was deserted.
Goldendale, Washington

Maryhill Museum and Stonehenge

A French chateau, failed utopian community, odd museum, and Stonehenge replica in rural Washington State.
Astoria, Oregon

Goonie Trails

The lush coastal city of Astoria is riddled with forgotten secret sidewalks.
Elsie, Oregon

Camp 18 Restaurant

A logging-themed roadside restaurant surrounded by museum-quality machinery and artifacts from the industry's heyday.
Longview, Washington

Nutty Narrows Bridge

This bridge provides safe passage for squirrels.
Long Beach, Washington

Washington's Largest Frying Pan

This super-sized skillet is a replica of a usable giant pan where a woman once skated on bacon.
Winlock, Washington

Winlock Egg

The world's largest egg has been cracked a number of times over the years but has been repeatedly replaced.
Ashford, Washington

Mount Rainier

The highest point in Washington state is a volcano covered in glaciers.
Seattle, Washington

Connections Museum

This Seattle museum displays the history of the telephone through an impressive collection of telecom equipment.
Carnation, Washington

Camlann Village

This medieval village/restaurant perpetually celebrates the year 1376.
Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Forks, Washington

Hall of Mosses

Stroll through a wonderland of stupendous moss-covered trees.
Forks, Washington

One Square Inch of Silence

A tiny red pebble marks what may be the quietest outdoor spot in the United States.
Port Angeles, Washington

Port Angeles Underground

Tour the original street level of Port Angeles, buried underground in 1914.
Koror, Palau

Jellyfish Lake

An isolated dive site teeming with cnidarians.
Okotoks, Alberta

Big Rock Erratic

This massive and unusual rock formation near Okotoks is the world's largest known glacial erratic.
Radium Hot Springs, British Columbia

Home of A Thousand Faces

Outsider art meets hard scrabble mountain life in this woodcarver's home/art piece.
West Glacier, Montana

Ptarmigan Tunnel

This angular Dwarven tunnel cuts through a mountainside in Glacier National Park.
Issaquah, Washington

Treehouse Point

A whimsical village of unique treehouses resides in a Washington forest.
Port Angeles, Washington

Olympic Hot Springs

Rustic natural hot springs in the deciduous rain forest.