iscribe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Amsterdam, Netherlands


The world's first zoo for microbes collecting the horrible and wonderful things living on and around us.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Biblioteca Ets Haim

The world's oldest Jewish library was founded by Sephardic Jews in 17th century Amsterdam.
Hilliard, Ohio

Early Television Museum

A retro walk through the history of the tube.
Flintsbach am Inn, Germany

Flintsbach Historical Cemetery

A rare example of a German cemetery with traditional grave markers dating back several generations.

South Pole Ice Tunnels

These passages carved from the Antarctic ice hold strange shrines to the harsh southernmost climes.
Hatsukaichi, Japan

Itsukushima Shrine

Japanese national treasure originally built in 593 CE.
Hiroshima, Japan

Hiroshima's Hypocenter

A plaque marks the site directly below the mid-air detonation of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima.
Golubac, Serbia

Golubac Fortress

This 14th century castle withstood years of battle but is now sliding off the hills into the Danube.
Derbyshire, England

Swarkestone Bridge

The longest stone bridge in England has an impressive history that dates back over 700 years.

Skeiðará Bridge Monument

Twisted girders are all that remain of an Icelandic bridge that was wiped out by a combination of volcanic heat and glacial floods.


Strange rock formations tower above the river that snakes through this enchanting Icelandic canyon.
Winslow, Arizona

Meteor Crater

This 4,000-foot-diameter hole is touted as "the most well known, best preserved meteorite crater on Earth."
Gerlach, Nevada

Fly Geyser

A collision of human error and natural geothermal pressure created this rainbow-colored geologic wonder.
Olanta, South Carolina

Woods Bay State Park

This natural wonderland is a unique chance to explore a Carolina bay, a mysterious geological formation of unknown origin.
London, England

Temple of Mithras

Rebuilt remains of a temple to Roman god Mithras.
Burgos, Spain

Arco de Santa María

The most elaborate of 12 medieval arched doorways to the old city of Burgos.
Pechory, Russia

Pskov-Caves Monastery

This 15th-century cave complex is one of the very few monasteries to stay open throughout World War II and the Soviet regime.
Saddell, Scotland

Saddell Abbey Grave Slabs

The carved medieval stones stand near the ruined abbey's parking lot.
Maltby, England

Roche Abbey Ruins

Legend has it the famous Robin Hood would attend mass at this 12th-century Cistercian abbey in Sherwood Forrest.
Glastonbury, England

'King Arthur's Tomb'

In the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey lies the alleged resting place of the legendary king.
Ely, England

Octagon Tower

A remarkable medieval structure born from a 14th-century disaster.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Kells Priory

These imposing walls and towers look more like the ruins of a fortress than a monastery.
Sighișoara, Romania

Towers of Sighișoara

Nine centuries-old fortresses guard the walls of this medieval Romanian city.
Abernethy, Scotland

Abernethy Round Tower

One of two Irish-style round towers in Scotland, this structure has mysterious origins.