jdixonpa's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Charlottesville, Virginia

The Raven Room

Edgar Allan Poe's old dorm is now a shrine to the author's legacy.
Joshua Tree, California

The Noah Purifoy Desert Art Museum

Explore 10 acres of environmental sculptures.
Gary, Indiana

City Methodist Church

This stunning gothic ruin was a casualty of the Indiana steel industry crash.
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."
McArthur, Ohio

Moonville Tunnel

The only remnant of a small mining town is an abandoned railroad tunnel that is steeped in ghostly lore.
Uribante, Venezuela

The Drowned Church of Potosi

A town church once nearly submerged by the damming of a river is now hauntingly visible as the water recedes.
Columbus Junction, Iowa

Lover's Leap Swinging Bridge

A warning to the weak-kneed: This narrow bridge does its swinging eight stories high.
Fayetteville, West Virginia


Hikers can still stroll beneath the long conveyer of this abandoned mining facility hidden in a West Virginia river gorge.
Denver, Colorado

Cheesman Park

A downtown park built on top of unclaimed graves.
Oak Hill, West Virginia

Glen Jean School

An abandoned 1920s school with a mysterious history.
Loveland, Ohio

Harry Andrews' Chateau Laroche

A castle built by an eccentric medieval enthusiast in rural Ohio.
Normal, Illinois

Abandoned Illinois Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Children’s School

This abandoned 19th century orphanage started as a boarding school for children of Civil War veterans.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Wupatki National Monument

This historic national park is covered in the stunning ruins of red rock pueblos.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Old Gold Camp Road Tunnels

The haunted reputation of these abandoned Colorado train tunnels is probably not helped by the terrifying spiked fence.
Charleston, Illinois

Airtight Bridge

The legacy of an unsolved, gruesome murder rests beneath the spans of this historic bridge.
Sanford, North Carolina

Old Carbonton Dam

An eerily abandoned stone tower is all that remains of a demolished dam on Cape Fear River.
Quincy, Illinois

Villa Kathrine

This Mediterranean castle was built for a millionaire and his giant dog.
Winslow, Arizona

Apache Death Cave

A stealthy Apache hideaway that became the haunting site of a mass grave.
Frankfort, Kentucky

Kentucky Floral Clock

This huge clock made of flowers and simple machinery was once used a political weapon.
Louisville, Kentucky

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

This former tuberculosis research hospital endeavored to cure the dreaded disease with fresh air and positive attitudes.
Granite City, Illinois

Luna Café

A notorious Route 66 eatery once frequented by Al Capone.
Kansas City, Kansas

Sauer Castle

This Italianate Villa-style castle is pretty to look at, just keep off the private property.
St. Louis, Missouri

Lemp Mansion

A historic house in St. Louis was plagued by a series of suicides committed by family members involved in a successful brewery.
Jefferson City, Missouri

Renz Women's Penitentiary

Destroyed by flood waters, prison now serves as a training ground for armed forces.