JennyG's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Skagway, Alaska
Places visited in Bucksport, Maine
Places visited in Klamath, California
Places visited in Glastonbury, England
Places visited in Pleasantville, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Wilmington, England
Places visited in Bangor, Maine
Places visited in County Donegal, Ireland
Places visited in Bradford-on-Avon, England
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Ashland, Oregon

Lithia Water Fountain

A public fountain that spouts "health water" from a nearby spring.
Herľany, Slovakia

Herľany Geyser

One of the few cold geysers in Europe, its eruptions are powered by carbon dioxide.
Paris, France

Passy Cemetery

A short distance from the Eiffel Tower is the final resting place of several of the city’s more well-known and interesting characters.
Cave Junction, Oregon

Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve

This natural marble cave is one of only five national monuments in Oregon.
Woodburn, Oregon

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

This little slice of the Netherlands in the Pacific Northwest blooms in a rainbow of color each spring.
Mount Angel, Oregon

Mount Angel Abbey Museum

World's largest porcine hairball sits in a collection maintained by Benedictine monks.
Silverton, Oregon

The Gordon House

The only house in Oregon designed by the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Shedd, Oregon

Thompson's Mills

The last water-powered mill in Oregon is open daily for free tours and has a surprising history.
Seattle, Washington

Elephant Car Wash Sign

Now housed in a museum, this giant pink elephant stood in downtown Seattle for more than 60 years.
Florence, Oregon

Exploding Whale Memorial Park

Fifty years after a “blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds,” this idyllic natural area commemorates the carnage.
McMinnville, Oregon

Erratic Rock State Natural Site

A 36-ton remnant of the last Ice Age now resides amid picturesque vineyards.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Boardwalk

Hundreds of personalized inscribed planks make up this historic boardwalk.
Palm Springs, California

Shiprock, Palm Springs

A 250 million-year-old rock formation has earned a rather unique nickname.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Site of the First Transcontinental Call

This plaque commemorates the call between Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson.
Beaumaris, Wales

St Seiroil's Well

A holy well believed to have healing powers.
Northumberland, England

Temple of Mithras, Carrawburgh

This temple was constructed entirely by Roman soldiers.
Drogheda, Ireland


This Neolithic passage tomb forms part of a World Heritage Site.
Hoy, Scotland

Dwarfie Stane

Legends surrounding this megalithic tomb range from giants to a dwarf named Trollid.
Creede, Colorado

Wheeler Geologic Area

This once-popular otherworldly landscape was formed by one of the largest volcanic eruptions in history.
Juneau, Alaska

Patsy Ann Statue

Known as the “Official Greeter of Juneau,” this dog still welcomes ships and their passengers to Alaska.
Valentine, Arizona

Truxton Canyon Training School

The remains of a boarding school designed to forcibly assimilate Native American children.
Rome, Italy

Nymphaeum of Egeria

Roman politician Herodes Atticus built this nymphaeum to honor his wife, whom he may have murdered.
Eastham, Massachusetts

First Encounter Beach Plaque

This beautiful Cape Cod beach offers dazzling views and an interesting historical footnote.
Venice, Italy

Ponte delle Tette

In the past, Renaissance sex workers were encouraged to entice customers on this bridge.