Jill13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Budapest, Hungary

Béla Lugosi Bust at Vajdahunyad Castle

Late at night, the bust of the "Dracula" actor was snuck onto the facade of this Budapest castle.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Agriculture Museum

A fake Transylvanian castle houses a cathedral of antlers.
Budapest, Hungary

Hospital in the Rock

A museum dedicated to a secret military hospital hidden beneath a castle in Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary

Columbo Statue

Uh, pardon me, ma'am, but I couldn't help noticing that there's a Columbo statue in the middle of Budapest.
Budapest, Hungary

Memento Park

Budapest's Communist-era statues, banished to the suburbs.
Budapest, Hungary


Possibly the world's largest hourglass only needs to be reset every New Year's Eve.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Cave Church

Once the home of a hermetic monk, this cave now houses a small church.
Budapest, Hungary

Panoptikum Budapest

A series of caves under Castle Hill that once held the prisoner Vlad Tepes, better known as Count Dracula.
Budapest, Hungary

Vajdahunyad Castle

This Hungarian castle was built out of cardboard and wood until it proved so popular that it got upgraded to stone.
Leipzig, Germany

Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)

This incredible stone temple is a monument to death, victory, and fantasy architecture.
Leipzig, Germany

Museum in der "Runden Ecke"

This small exhibition displays equipment and artifacts once belonging to the feared Stasi secret police.
Berlin, Germany

Arthouse Tacheles

An old department store turned Nazi prison turned artist commune.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Victory Column

A monument to the three wars that led to German unification towers within a Berlin traffic circle.
Berlin, Germany

Bahnhof Berlin Zoologischer Garten

Metro station with a claim to rock n' roll fame.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Thousands of coffin-like pillars make up this controversial Holocaust memorial.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of Franz Kafka

A surreal statue honoring Prague's favorite literary son.
Prague, Czechia

Memorial to the Victims of Communism

Increasingly decayed figures stand as a powerful reminder of the human costs of Czech Communism.
Prague, Czechia

Batalion Comic Book Museum and Club

This bar and museum are devoted to the controversial comic book work of Kája Saudek.
Prague, Czechia

Žižkov Tower

Looming communist pillar with a Czech twist.
Prague, Czechia

KGB Muzeum

One man's personal collection of KGB memorabilia is presented along with his strange viewpoint.
Prague, Czechia

Hlava Franze Kafky (Franz Kafka's Head)

A bust of Franz Kafka spins in pieces, reflecting the writer's inner torment.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Communism

This Prague museum collects brutalist relics and memories from the country's former Soviet rule.
Prague, Czechia

Man Hanging Out

What looks like a suicide in progress is actually a statue of Sigmund Freud.