jlmartin88311's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Huntsville, Alabama

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

Once a bustling cotton factory, this early 20th-century building is now home to a thriving artspace.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Grover the Geologic Rover

An important piece of history from mankind's journey to the moon sits in the lobby of a government science lab.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Theatre

This theatre was made famous after Lee Harvey Oswald was captured inside watching a film.
Great Bend, Kansas

Cheyenne Bottoms

This 41,000-acre wetland complex is the largest marsh in the interior of the United States.
Aberdeen, Washington

Kurt Cobain Memorial Park

A tribute to the Nirvana frontman hides beneath the bridge that was the singer's beloved hangout spot.
Seattle, Washington

Denny Substation

The Denny Substation has been called "the coolest substation in the world" and sits in a densely populated Seattle neighborhood.
Fort Collins, Colorado

The Old Main Bell

After being lost for nearly a century, this historic bell finally returned home after its mysterious theft.
Camp Verde, Arizona

Verde Valley Ancestral Garden

Inside this garden, visitors are offered a glimpse into how inhabitants of the region survived centuries ago.
Wetumpka, Alabama

Jasmine Hill Gardens & Outdoor Museum

This botanical garden has been nicknamed "Alabama's Little Corner of Greece."
Camp Verde, Arizona

Verde Valley Archaeology Center

This comprehensive collection features Native American artifacts dating back centuries.
Hanksville, Utah

Carl's Critter Garden

This outsider art paradise is filled with dinosaur sculptures crafted from recycled machinery.
Tucson, Arizona

The Franklin Auto Museum

One of the largest private collections of cars manufactured by the short-lived Franklin Automobile Company.
Spanish Fork, Utah

Dream Mine

An empty mine that some believe will suddenly be filled with fortune and treasures at the end of the world.
Portland, Oregon

John Callahan Memorial Garden

This garden is dedicated to a Portland cartoonist who specialized in dark humor.
Bend, Oregon

Bend Blockbuster Video

The world's last remaining store of its kind.
Baker, Nevada

Baker Archaeological Site

This ancient village provides insight into the complexity of the pre-Columbian Fremont Culture.
Eureka, Utah

Silver City Cemetery

These headstones and a few stone foundations are all that remain of a once-booming mining town.
Seattle, Washington

Off the Rez Cafe

Where else would a linchpin of post-colonial Native American cuisine anchor the menu but a museum?
Phoenix, Arizona

Fry Bread House

Founded by members of the Tohono O’odham Nation, this one-room joint's James Beard–winning fry bread is light as a cloud.
Oakley, Utah

Oakley Diner

What's a diner from the 1939 World's Fair doing in a remote Utah mountain town?
Boise, Idaho

Re-POP Gifts

This pop-culture shop also offers the chance to become part of their favorite tv show or movie.
Austin, Texas

'Hi, How Are You' Mural

This simple frog painting created by musician Daniel Johnston embodies the spirit of Austin.
Ottawa, Kansas

Plaza 1907 Cinema

The oldest purpose-built cinema still in operation also houses a museum of movie memorabilia.
Primm, Nevada

Prizm Outlets

This former shopping outlet is now adorned with beautiful graffiti and murals.