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Bonne Terre, Missouri

Bonne Terre Mine

The world's largest man-made underground caverns offer unparalleled underwater wonders.
Kansas City, Missouri

DalĂ­ Collection at Hallmark Visitors Center

The famous greeting card maker owns a collection of paintings by the famed surrealist.
Washington, Missouri

Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob Pipe Museum

This museum located in the "Corn Cob Pipe Capital of the World," chronicles the history of cob pipe.
Marceline, Missouri

Walt Disney Hometown Museum

A celebration of the animation wizard's childhood home and antique railroad memorabilia collection.
Defiance, Missouri

Defiance Roadhouse

Who said a biker bar is no place for a taxidermy squirrel collection?
St. Louis, Missouri

World's Largest Amoco Sign

This titanic oil company sign is a reminder of the Americana boom of the 1970s and also its commoditization.
Ste. Genevieve, Missouri

Cave Vineyard

A subterranean haunt where wine and homemade biscottis are always on the menu.
Weston, Missouri

O'Malley's Pub

The oldest bar in Missouri is hidden within a limestone brewery cellar more than 50 feet underground.
Independence, Missouri

Independence Temple

This otherworldly church spire reaches up toward the heavens.
St. Louis, Missouri

Venice Cafe

This mosaic-covered bar is brimming with curated curios.
Bonne Terre, Missouri

The Space Museum

A museum dedicated to man's boldest venture.
Ridgedale, Missouri

Bat Bar in Lost Canyon Cave

If there's another drive-through golf-cart bar in a bat-filled cave on top of a mountain, we don't know about it.
Kansas City, Missouri

The Holy Finger of Kansas City

A piece of John the Baptist in the American heartland.
Springfield, Missouri

Wonders of Wildlife Museum

An unexpected but incredible collection of wildlife dioramas spanning rainforests, swamps, forests, and plains.
St. Louis, Missouri

Whispering Arch at Union Station

Speak to a companion on the other side of the room loud and clear through this architectural anomaly.
St. Louis, Missouri

Laclede's Landing Wax Museum

A kitschy, creepy St. Louis mainstay.
St. Louis, Missouri

Chuck Berry's House

The red brick house where the father of rock 'n' roll wrote some of his classic hits.
Springfield, Missouri

World's Largest Fork

A 35-foot-tall fork stuck in the ground outside an office building in Missouri.
Jefferson City, Missouri

Missouri State Penitentiary

The maximum security facility was once thought to have "the bloodiest 47 acres in America."
Kansas City, Missouri

Noir Arts & Oddities

Tucked away between two 19th-century buildings, this small shop specializes in the macabre.
St. Louis, Missouri

Turtle Playground

This is not your typical jungle gym.
Kansas City, Missouri


The "World's Largest Underground Business Complex," a 55,000,000-square-foot city underneath Missouri.
St. Joseph, Missouri

Glore Psychiatric Museum

The history of the treatment of mental illness, illustrated in all its gory detail, and housed in an asylum.