jpark b9459cfe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in East Molesey, England
Places visited in Thimphu, Bhutan
Places visited in Cartagena, Spain
Places visited in Tarragona, Spain
Places visited in Puerto de Mazarrón, Spain
Places visited in Todmorden, England
Places visited in Bhutan
Places visited in Nazca, Peru
Places visited in Lerwick, Scotland
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Seville, Spain

Plaza de toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla

Spain's largest bullring offers a unique glimpse at architecture and history.
Llívia, Spain

Esteve Pharmacy

This 15th century pharmacy displays a beautiful collection of ancient medicine jars.
San Miguel, Spain

Shell House - Casa de las Conchas

A small house in Tazones, completely covered in shells.
Asturias, Spain

Braña la Pornacal

An uninhabited village that preserves and documents rural architecture and an endangered way of life.
Épila, Spain

Basanta - The House of God

The quirky - and private - constructions of a secluded artist depict the house of God.
Bicorp, Spain

Man of Bicorp Cave Painting

This ancient rock painting is the oldest evidence of humans’ love affair with honey.
Córdoba, Spain

Estrella de los Deseos (Wishing Star)

Touching this little fossil embedded in the wall of a grand mosque-cathedral may make your wishes come true.
Mollina, Spain

Museo Internacional de Arte Belenista (International Museum of Nativity Art)

More than 70 detailed dioramas—including some rather nontraditional ones—fill this charming museum.
La Palma, Spain

Roque Idafe (Idafe Rock)

Indigenous cultures believed all life would end if this enormous rock toppled.
Rodalquilar, Spain

Rodalquilar Gold Mine

This abandoned gold mine found a second life as a post-apocalyptic film set.
Madrid, Spain

The Well of the Miracle

An old, deep well, connected with a miraculous, divine rescue and the patron saint of Madrid.
Alcolea del Pinar, Spain

The Universal Sculpture Garden

The prolific artwork of a self-taught sculptor.
Tibi, Spain

Tibi Dam (Pantano de Tibi)

Possibly the oldest masonry dam in all of Europe.
Naval, Spain

Sanctuary of Torreciudad

Sanctuary on a ridge near an ancient shrine to a "Black Madonna" built by the founder of Opus Dei.
Camelle, Spain

Museum of the German

Open air sculptures by an eccentric and loin-clothed hermit.
Manresa, Spain

Cave of Saint Ignatius

The grotto where Saint Ignatius of Loyola lived as a hermit for nearly a year.
Pastrana, Spain

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Collegiate Church of Pastrana) Crypt

To fit bodies into this Renaissance crypt, they were first left to decompose in the crypt's rotting room.
La Línea de la Concepción, Spain

Torre Nueva

The defensive tower was built centuries ago to warn locals of Berber pirate attacks.
Cambrils, Spain

Cambrils' Ceramic House

An elaborately decorated house sits on an otherwise quiet street.
Brión, Spain

The Shrine of Santa Minia

The mysterious remains of a martyred teenage saint are venerated inside a small country chapel.
Besalú, Spain

Besalu Micromundi Museum of Miniatures

Medieval village and microminiature museum.
Cervera, Spain

Carreró de les Bruixes (Alley of Witches)

A signal indicates the entrance to this alley, rumored to be a meeting place for witches.
Cádiz, Spain

Electricity Pylons of Cadiz

The world's most elegant power lines.
Mohorte, Spain

Las Torcas de Palancares

Walls of stone rise up from sinkholes caused by underwater erosion.