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Brooklyn, New York

Vinegar Hill

Walk into the 19th century without leaving Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, New York

Atlantic Avenue Tunnel

In the middle of downtown Brooklyn lies a 165 year old secret hidden right below the surface (closed to the public indefinitely).
Brooklyn, New York

Calvert Vaux Cove

This small, hidden cove is home to abandoned boats.
Brooklyn, New York

Coney Island Museum

An oasis of calm amid the chaos of the boardwalk, the museum traces the heritage of this beloved beachside amusement park.
Brooklyn, New York

Wyckoff Street Mosaic

Detailed facade of a brownstone in Boerum Hill.
Brooklyn, New York


An arcade packed with a rotating collection of unique independent video games.
Brooklyn, New York

Robotic Church

This former Norwegian sailor's church is slowly being taken over by ramshackle robot musicians.
Brooklyn, New York

House of Wax

Tucked in a nondescript downtown Brooklyn mall is a bar containing a remarkable turn of the century anatomical wax collection last seen in 1920s Berlin.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Sniff the Titan Arum's rotting flesh.
Brooklyn, New York

Brooklyn Superhero Supply Store

The one-stop shop for all of your superhero (or evil arch-nemesis) needs.
Brooklyn, New York

New York Transit Museum

Ride the subways of yesteryear.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
New York, New York

Lenin Statue at Red Square

Salute the leader of the proletariat.
New York, New York

The Forgotten Entrance to Clinton Hall

Hidden in one of New York's oldest subway stations is the final remnant of the site of the bizarre Shakespeare Riots.
New York, New York

Museum at Eldridge Street

America's oldest Eastern European synagogue provided the immigrants of crowded Lower East Side tenements a space of sanctuary.
New York, New York

Plaque of Nikola Tesla on Radio Wave Building

The former hotel where Tesla invented the radio.
New York, New York

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace Museum

The rough and tumble president's childhood home displays the shirt he was once shot in and the speech that saved him.
New York, New York


Make a tough dinner decision: Octopus wasabi roulette or bull penis?
New York, New York

President Ulysses S. Grant's Tomb

Visit the monolithic tomb of America's most famous general.
New York, New York

Catacombs of Old St. Patrick's Cathedral

Historical figures from New York City's Catholic community reside in Midtown.
New York, New York

Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space

A living archive of urban activism and space reclaimed.
New York, New York

Daredevil Tattoo Museum

This iconic tattoo shop has its own onsite museum with artifacts from the early history of modern body art.
New York, New York

Pneumatic System of the New York Public Library

One of the last few places in Manhattan that employed a pneumatic systemic keeps it on display.
New York, New York

Abandoned 18th Street Subway Station

This abandoned subway station can still be seen on regular commuter trips.