Jumboto's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Huntsville, Alabama

Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment

Once a bustling cotton factory, this early 20th-century building is now home to a thriving artspace.
Huntsville, Alabama

Dead Children's Playground

What else would you call a playground hidden in Alabama's oldest and largest cemetery?
Austin, Texas

Longview Cemetery

A tiny graveyard with a mysterious past.
Austin, Texas

The Texas State Cemetery

A high-octane shrine to the greatest Texans who ever lived.
Austin, Texas

The Harry Ransom Center

The upstairs reading room is packed with millions of rare books, literary manuscripts, and historical treasures.
Austin, Texas

Curia Arcanum

This eclectic Austin curiosity shop is home to all things strange and unusual.
Austin, Texas

Mueller SunFlowers

A grove of colossal man-made flowers built to collect the sun's rays.
Austin, Texas

Toy Joy

A store full of vintage and indie toys designed to bring out the kid in even the crustiest of adults.
Austin, Texas

Mayfield Park

Free public park and gardens filled with peacocks and peahens.
Austin, Texas

Museum of Natural and Artificial Ephemerata

DIY collection of eclectic holdings.
Austin, Texas

Uncommon Objects

One part antique store, one part curiosities hodge-podge.
Austin, Texas

Cathedral of Junk

This unique structure in suburban Austin is made up entirely of other people's castaways, and constantly changing.
Austin, Texas

Museum of the Weird

Continuing the tradition of the dime museum in style.
Boston, Massachusetts

Stanza dei Sigari - Cigar Bar and Memorabilia

This popular Boston haunt is reminiscent of a time gone by, when slow cafes and sweet-smelling smoke wafting from patios was the norm.
Boston, Massachusetts

Museum of Bad Art

Museum dedicated to awful artwork.
Pensacola, Florida

USS Oriskany

The 44,000-ton aircraft carrier was purposely sunk to create an artificial reef teeming with life.
Pensacola, Florida

Wreck of the USS Massachusetts

The "worst battleship ever built" is enjoying a grand second act, submerged 30 feet in the Gulf of Mexico.
Pensacola, Florida

Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park

One of the best places in Florida to spot rare, carnivorous pitcher plants.
Pensacola, Florida

Fort Barrancas

This now-deactivated naval base defended the Florida coast for centuries.
Pensacola, Florida

O’Zone Pizza Pub

A former hospital is now home to a pizza parlor and maybe a few ghosts.
Naha, Japan

Shuri Castle

The seat of the lost Ryukyu Kingdom has survived numerous fires and wars over the centuries.
Okinawa, Japan

Hacksaw Ridge

A World War II battle site made famous by one man's heroic actions.
Nago-shi, Japan

Clinton Home

An exact replica of Bill Clinton's childhood home stands within a resort in Japan.
Tomigusuku, Japan

Naval Underground Headquarters

Elaborate series of tunnels where traces of mass suicide are still visible.