katehawes's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Newcastle upon Tyne, England

St. Mary's Well, Jesmond

A famous pilgrimage site that remains hidden in the midst of a city.
Nairobi, Kenya

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

This wildlife trust is dedicated to orphaned elephant rescue and conservation.
Uonuma, Japan

Tadami Train Line

Running through lush forests and across the Tadami River, this train line offers breathtaking views of rural Japan.
Nizwa, Oman

Nizwa Fort

This beautifully restored fortification kept the city safe for centuries.
Bay City, Michigan

State Theatre

This indie movie theater is one of only three surviving Mayan-themed theaters designed by “Detroit’s greatest theater architect.”
Valentine Plains, Australia

Beautiful Betsy Crash Site

For nearly 50 years this airplane that crashed during World War II remained missing in the remote Australian backcountry.
Narusawa, Japan

Fugaku Wind Cave

One in a pair of subterranean caves created by an ancient eruption of Mount Fuji.
Cannes, France

Île Sainte-Marguerite

A fortress on this island housed the mysterious prisoner known as the "Man in the Iron Mask" for more than a decade.
Le Castella, Italy

Castello Aragonese (Aragonese Castle)

This scenic fortress dates back at least 2,400 years to the time of Magna Graecia.
Birmingham, Alabama

Thomas Jefferson Tower's Zeppelin Mooring Mast

The metal spire on the roof of this tower was intended as an airship docking station, but it was never actually used.
Borlänge V, Sweden

Äventyrsgruvan Tuna-Hästberg (Tuna-Hästberg Adventure Mine)

A centuries-old iron mine is now a paradise for explorers, divers, and spelunkers.
Nether Wallop, England

Douce Mausoleum

Inspired by the colossal pyramids at Giza, this 15-foot structure is believed to be the first funerary pyramid in Great Britain.
Larnaca, Cyprus

Salt & Pepper Museum

More than 20,000 salt and pepper shakers from across the globe call this museum home.
Sparta, Greece

Magoula Cemetery

Modernist design and funerary customs meet Spartan traditions in this one-of-a-kind graveyard.
Subotica, Serbia

Raichle's Palace

This dazzling Art Nouveau mansion is now home to the Modern Art Gallery Subotica.
Leiden, Netherlands

De Leidse Zeemijn (Leiden's Naval Mine)

The remnants of a WWI naval mine that once terrorized the country now decorates a street.
San Jose, California

The San José Semaphore

It took years to decode its mysterious messages.
Tarpon Springs, Florida

The Weeping Icon of Saint Nicholas

No one knows how or why this painting appeared to produce crystallized tears.
Kigali, Rwanda

Nyamirambo Women’s Center

This center in the Rwandan capital supports women’s livelihoods while educating visitors about traditional cooking, craft making, and more.
Chugwater, Wyoming

Chugwater Soda Fountain

A small Wyoming town is home to the state's oldest-operating soda fountain.
Killeany, Ireland

Teampall Bheanáin

A diminutive, thousand-year-old church believed to be the smallest in Ireland.
Durham, England

Sanctuary Knocker

Hundreds of years ago, this lion-shaped door knocker could help a person accused of a crime find temporary safe haven in Durham Cathedral.
Valletta, Malta

Church of St. Paul's Shipwreck

This church is named for one of the most dramatic tales in the early Christian church.
Elgin, Nebraska

Bells of the Prairie

More than 150 working bells from churches and one-room-schoolhouses across the Great Plains are assembled in one man's yard.