Katie Ness is a Lancashire born writer and yoga teacher living in London. She has articles, essays and poetry published with a variety of literary sites, anthologies and print magazines such as Kindred Spirit, Femme Occulte, Witches Magazine, Occulture, The Feminine Macabre, Haunted Magazine and more. Her non-fiction pagan book ‘Word Witchery' is soon to be published with Moon Books.
She has an Honours degree in Fine Art and as of 2023 she gained diplomas on the Anthropology of Ritual & Magic, Archeology of the British Isles, Archeology of Sicily, The history of Hindu devotional chant, Classical Studies and level 2 in Sanskrit, Ancient Greek and Latin. She was awarded a Grampus culture & heritage placement in Cyprus to study Cypriot traditional artisan craft in reference to votive practice and folk art. Her MA in History specialising in folklore and folk art is forthcoming. She is also a trainee Genealogist.
She is a survivor of an ectopic pregancy and so now, recognising life is short, she lives with vervor and abandon. In her free time she can be found roaming across Britain and overseas to seek out the folkloric, occult or unusual sites in the landscape. Her favourite destinations to date are Cyprus, Sicily, Bali, Nepal and Morocco.