kiirenza's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Poolesville, Maryland

Seneca Quarry

This ruined quarry once produced the distinctive red sandstone used for construction projects in Washington, D.C.
Sharpsburg, Maryland

Killiansburg Cave

A cave on the Maryland border where civilians took refuge during the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
Berlin, Maryland

Assateague Island

The land is home to swimming ponies and a legendary 18th-century treasure.
Frederick, Maryland

Carroll Creek Covered Bridge

This hidden treasure provides a charming access point along the south side of Baker Park.
Horse Cave, Kentucky

Hidden River Cave

Once one of the most polluted caves in America, now an environmental success story and a museum dedicated to caves.
Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta Botanical Garden

A grassroots community effort in the 1970s led to the creation of this beautiful garden full of delightfully whimsical exhibits.
St. Louis, Missouri

Old St. Louis County Courthouse

The Old Courthouse takes visitors on a captivating trip through St. Louis' timeline.
Collinsville, Illinois

Illinois Woodhenge

Fresh wooden posts have been added to ancient holes to recreate a primitive henge clock.
Collinsville, Illinois

Cahokia Mounds

Once one of the world's great cities, Cahokia was a place of religious worship, trade and mass human sacrifice before being mysteriously abandoned.
Guernsey, Wyoming

Register Cliff

Long before guestbooks and hotels, frontier travelers signed their names on this rock face.
Cloquet, Minnesota

Frank Lloyd Wright Gas Station

The famed architect designed this Minnesota gas station of the future with a lookout tower.
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Grand Prismatic Spring

The largest hot spring in the United States is, as the name suggests, a stunning show of natural color.
Baker, Nevada

The Bristlecone Pines of the Great Basin

The longest living non-clonal organisms on Earth.
Baker, Nevada

Lehman Caves

A gothic palace of endless stalagmites and pseudoscorpions waits within one of the world's most beautiful caves.
Baker, Nevada

Prometheus Tree Stump

This crumbling stump is all that remains of what was once thought to be the oldest living organism.
Alcova, Wyoming

Devil’s Gate (Wyoming)

A devilishly named gorge that was a sign of salvation for many pioneers.
Buford, Wyoming

Ames Brothers Pyramid

A monument to the egos of two railroad magnates that fell into decline along with their careers.
Buford, Wyoming

Tree in the Rock

Miraculous tree that seems to sprout out of solid rock.
Buford, Wyoming

Buford, Wyoming: Population 0

One of the smallest towns in the United States.
Farmington, Pennsylvania

General Braddock's Gravesite(s)

The penultimate and final resting places of British General Edward Braddock—minus a few bits and pieces.
Boston, Massachusetts

Democratic Donkey and Republican Footprints

This statue intended for children to enjoy became a minor political spat.
Woodstock, Maine

The World's Largest Telephone

A giant telephone commemorates the last "crank" call ever made in the U.S.
Furnace Creek, California

Harmony Borax Works

This crumbling Death Valley mining complex was known for its use of giant, 20-mule team wagons.
La Cañada Flintridge, California

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NASA's leading space science lab started by a co-founder with deep ties to the occult.