Kirstym90's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Staffordshire, England

Doxey Pool

This tiny little pool is said to be home to a malicious mermaid named Jenny Greenteeth.
Essex, England

The Broomway

A perilous medieval road leading right into the sea.
West Wycombe, England

Hellfire Caves

Human-made caves excavated to hide a secret society of wealthy pagans.
North Yorkshire, England

Gordale Scar

A long, winding trek rewards you with a gorge so captivating it inspired a painting in the Tate.
Charmouth, England

Charmouth Beach

Cliffs full of fossils at the portal to England's Jurassic Coast.
North Yorkshire, England

Swinton Druids Temple

Although it appears ancient and mysterious, the quirky folly was actually built 200 years ago by an eccentric estate owner.
Ware, England

Scott's Grotto

Fantastically decorated underground chambers built in the 1760s.
Great Dunmow, England

Talliston House & Gardens

An English artist has turned an unassuming ex-council house into a time-lost house of mystery.
Stannington, England

Abandoned St. Mary's Asylum

St. Mary's Asylum was isolated and abandoned before being converted into a Bed and Breakfast.
Nottingham, England

Park Tunnel

An engineering error ensured this cavernous 350-foot-long subterranean thoroughfare was never used as intended.
Chedglow, England

Colin's Barn

Colin Stokes "got a bit carried away" and built a castle that looks like something out of Tolkien.
Cornwall, England


Grab a cuppa at England's first and only domestic tea plantation.
Keswick, England

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Stonehenge has nothing on Castlerigg’s views.
North Yorkshire, England

Malham Cove

Harry Potter once visited this massive limestone cliff, which was carved by an ancient glacial river.
Hythe, England

St. Leonard's Church Basement Ossuary

A house of bones — but nobody is quite sure to whom they belong.
Cornwall, England

Minack Theatre

A open air theatre built on a cliff by an eccentric British woman.
Yorkshire, England

Bolton Strid

This lovely little burbling creek is actually a deadly waterway that has dragged down everyone who ever set foot in it.
Mow Cop, England

Mow Cop Castle

This crumbling folly looks like an enchanted left over from Middle Earth.
East Sussex, England

Five Hundred Acre Wood

The forest that inspired Winnie-the-Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood can be found outside London.
Cornwall, England

Restormel Castle

The ruins of an 11th-century Norman castle with a rare, perfectly circular shape.
Staffordshire, England

Lud's Church

This haunting stone chasm is a hotbed of mossy rock and English legend.
East Sussex, England

Beachy Head

England's most notorious suicide spot.
London, England

St Bride's Church & Charnel House

This landmark church concealed a crypt packed with bones that was discovered thanks to the London Blitz.
Tisbury, England

Old Wardour Castle

Besieged by war, this castle ruin has crumbled into a peaceful picnic spot.