kkeps123's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Calhoun, Georgia

Rock Garden Calhoun

Incredible miniature towns and buildings created and decorated with thousands of tiny rocks.
Buena Vista, Georgia


This folk art compound was built by a fortune teller on the advice of three people from the future.
Clayton, Georgia

"Eye of God" Rapid, Chattooga River

A curious whirlpool formation supposedly capable of entangling or engulfing branches, tree trunks, or whole rafts full of hapless tourists.
Savannah, Georgia

Graveface Museum

Hidden amid the old-world charm of Savannah is a museum dedicated to the world of oddities and criminal history.
Alto, Georgia

The School Bus Graveyard

Where school buses go to die and be reborn as whimsical works of art.
Cherry Log, Georgia

Expedition Bigfoot (The Sasquatch Museum)

An impressive collection is dedicated to the legendary beast.
Walker County, Georgia

Fantastic Pit

The perfectly named cave drop is the deepest in the continental United States, almost matching the height of Seattle’s Space Needle.
Lumpkin, Georgia

Providence Canyon State Outdoor Recreation Area

Bad farming practices caused this unnatural natural wonder.
Milledgeville, Georgia

Central State Hospital

One of the largest-ever mental hospitals now sits abandoned, surrounded by 25,000 unmarked graves.
Plains, Georgia

Jimmy Carter Smiling Peanut

This 13-foot smiling peanut in Georgia helped Jimmy Carter win the 1976 presidential election.
Afton, Wyoming

Intermittent Spring

A miraculous natural phenomenon known as "the spring that breathes."
Cartersville, Georgia

The Cartersville Abandoned Plane

This mysterious twin turboprop Grumman G-159 covered in graffiti has spent a decade and a half abandoned.
Halle, Belgium

The Blue Forest

Each spring, a dreamlike carpet of bluebells overtakes the forest floor.
Seoul, South Korea

Greem Cafe

Step into a cartoon at this Seoul café that aims to evoke a two-dimensional scene.
Aguascalientes, Mexico

National Museum of Death

A uniquely robust and historic look at Mexico's omnipresent dance with Death.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Gearrannan Blackhouse Village

Spend the night in this formerly abandoned traditional Scottish village.
Neringos savivaldybė, Lithuania

The Dead Dunes

A narrow strip of land is home to the tallest migrating dunes in Europe.
Falkland Islands

Bertha's Beach

This remote stretch of sand is a penguin lover's paradise.
Ohaupo, New Zealand

The Tree Church

One man's dream has turned into this naturally growing chapel made of almost nothing but trees.
Turukhansky District, Russia

The 'Dead Road' Transpolar Railway

Stalin's prisoner-built rail line sits in ruin, never having a single car ride its tracks.
Përmet District, Albania

Benja Thermal Baths

A medieval bridge stretches over a sulfur-rich river that leads to year-round natural hot springs.
Mbour, Senegal

Fadiouth Shell Island

An island made out of shells, including a cemetery.
Galway, Ireland

Brigit's Celtic Garden

The world of the ancient Celtic civilization explained through a bewitching 11 acre garden.
Kayenta, Arizona

Burger King Navajo Code Talkers Display

Hidden inside this Arizona fast food franchise is an in-depth exhibit on the famed WWII counterintelligence program.