ladytecate's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Austin, Texas

Austin State School Farm Colony

Now abandoned, this East Austin school for the disabled began as the "State Colony for the Feeble-minded."
Austin, Texas

Ghost Streets of Onion Creek

An entire subdivision was accidentally built on a flood plain, resulting in its eventual demolition—but the streets are still there.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hidden Heart of Music Row

It may take some time to locate, but it's sure to warm even a heart of stone.
Houston, Texas

David Adickes Studio

Giant heads occasionally litter the industrial Houston neighborhood where sculptor David Adickes has his studio.
Dallas, Texas

Thanks-Giving Square

A serene temple with stunning stained glass hides in downtown Dallas.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Luling Mansion

Despite the ever pressing encroachment of urban sprawl this grand New Orleans manse still stands.
Avery Island, Louisiana

Tabasco Museum and Factory

For 150 years one family has been producing the iconic hot sauce on a bayou island made of salt.
Hemphill, Texas

Patricia Huffman Smith NASA Museum

Located in the place where the Columbia space shuttle came down, a museum-memorial that is both touching and informative.
Wichita Falls, Texas

Newby-McMahon Building

World's smallest skyscraper, the product of a remarkable con.
Weatherford, Texas

Chandor Gardens

This Texas home and garden was the masterpiece of a British portrait painter.
Glenreagh, Ireland

The Devil’s Bit

It's said this geological anomaly was caused when the Devil took a bite out of the Irish mountainside.
Neece, Texas

'Cast Away' Crossroads

It's where the final scene of the beloved Tom Hanks movie was filmed.
Ransom Canyon, Texas

Robert Bruno’s Steel House

A wacky, UFO-shaped house in a suburban neighborhood.
San Angelo, Texas

Blood Lake: the O.C. Fisher Reservoir

The end of times arrives, at least for the fish in the O.C. Fisher Reservoir.
Edinburg, Texas

Sal del Rey

This lake sits on an estimated 4 million tons of salt.
Lindale, Texas

Old Mill Pond Museum (formerly Parrot Park)

Park filled with machinery that drove the southern agriculture and oil industries forward.
Huntsville, Texas

Captain Joe Byrd Cemetery

Inmates dig the graves at the largest prison cemetery in the U.S., the final resting place of both cowboys and Indians.
St Francisville, Louisiana

Cat Island Bald Cypress

Located in a remote part of a Louisiana wildlife refuge, this tree has been standing for more than 1,200 years.
St. Francisville, Louisiana

The Day the Civil War Stopped

Every year, a Louisiana town remembers a brief Civil War truce inspired by Masonic brotherhood.
Lettsworth, Louisiana

Birthplace of Buddy Guy

The childhood home of the legendary blues guitarist and singer.
Foxworth, Mississippi

Red Bluff

A dramatically eroding canyon thousands of miles from the desert.
Magnolia, Mississippi

Lynyrd Skynyrd Monument

A seven-ton black granite monument dedicated to the memory of those who died and those who lived through the 1977 crash of the popular Southern rock band.
Lexington, Mississippi

Grave of the Lady in Red

The body of an unidentified woman, visible through a glass coffin, was discovered by accident.
Leland, Mississippi

Birthplace of Kermit the Frog

A Muppet museum in small-town Mississippi honors the roots of Jim Henson's most beloved creation.