lauraksmith87's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Murphy Windmill

Once the largest windmill outside of Holland, with enormous 114 foot sails.
Los Angeles, California

Riverside Roundabout

An L.A. traffic island where the faces of locals have been carved into massive granite eggs.
Pescadero, California

Año Nuevo Island

Elephant seals and sea lions have turned the abandoned buildings on this island into their endangered love shack.
Klamath, California

Trees of Mystery

Two mammoth statues inspired by equally tall tales lure tourists to this roadside attraction.
San Jose, California

Lupe the Mammoth

A life-sized mammoth sculpture marks the spot where the remains of a Columbian mammoth were discovered in 2005.
Los Gatos, California

Mt. Umunhum Cube

An ominous concrete cube cuts a dystopian silhouette atop this California mountain.
Llano, California

Ruins at Llano Del Rio

The remnants of a failed socialist commune can still be found just off a California highway.
Pacific Grove, California

Pacific Grove Butterfly House

Hopeless romantics will swoon over the sweet story behind this bright and colorful home.
Alamo, California

The Cow Bones of Mount Diablo

Cows on a ranch are commonplace, scattered cow bones everywhere? Not so much.
Santa Clarita, California

St. Francis Dam

The Los Angeles flood disaster that took 400 lives and ended the career of William Mulholland.
Berkeley, California

Old Berkeley Pier

A pier that used to act as a busy ferry dock is now a decaying favorite of local fisherman and urban artists.
Barstow, California

Painted Rocks

The cluster of boulders near Fort Irwin is covered in military insignia.
Inyo County, California

Marble Bath

This desert oddity hides in plain sight thanks to a cartographic error and a desert explorer with a punny sense of humor.
Los Angeles, California

Dearly Departed Museum

A macabre tour of Hollywood’s deadly history.
Modesto, California

McHenry Mansion

An expansive and intricately restored mansion remains from over a century ago--and so do its ghosts.
San Francisco, California

Battery Chamberlin

Guns that have been defending San Francisco since 1904.
Pasadena, California

St. Andrew's Church Murals

The artwork that Italians felt California didn't deserve.
Pescadero, California

Pigeon Point Lighthouse

A New England-style lighthouse along California's beautiful Highway 1 gets a re-do.
Santa Monica, California

Farnam House

On a quiet suburban street stands a peculiarly decorated house covered in mosaics.
Los Angeles, California

Marciano Art Foundation

A long-vacant Scottish Rite temple in Hollywood has been converted into an art museum filled with Masonic relics.
Ocotillo, California

Coyote's Flying Saucer Retrievals and Repairs

A UFO scrapyard in the California desert.
Santa Margarita, California

Rinconada Mercury Mine

Machinery left over from California's once thriving mercury industry now attracts artists and explorers.
Las Vegas, Nevada

'Bliss Dance'

An enormous illuminated figure dances on the Las Vegas strip.
Carlsbad, California

Copper Creek Falls and Mine

The overgrown ruins of a once thriving World War I-era copper mine.