Lemon Bee's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Forest Grove, Montana

Bear Gulch Pictographs

A scenic ravine with an astounding collection of rock art created by the Indigenous people of the Great Plains.
Red Lodge, Montana

Remnants of the Smith Mine Disaster

Derelict buildings are all that remain of a complex at the site of one of the worst mining disasters in Montana history.
Havre, Montana

Havre Beneath the Streets

After Havre burned down, the best place to build was under the ashes.
Three Forks, Montana

Bleu Horses

These giant metal horses graze on a hilltop near the Montana highway.
Ekalaka, Montana

Medicine Rocks State Park

This beautiful ancient site is dotted with perforated sandstone pillars considered sacred by some Native American groups.
Great Falls, Montana

Sip 'n Dip Lounge

"Polynesia on the Plains."
Worden, Montana

Pompey's Pillar

The last physical evidence of the Lewis and Clark trail is one of their autographs etched into this giant rock.
West Glacier, Montana

Going-to-the-Sun Road

The only road through the heart of Glacier National Park.
West Glacier, Montana

Ptarmigan Tunnel

This angular Dwarven tunnel cuts through a mountainside in Glacier National Park.
Whitehall, Montana

Ringing Rocks of Montana

The rocks of a certain area of Butte, Montana give off a musical ring when hit.
Meagher, Montana

Castle Town Ghost Town

Mining town from the late 1890s, once home to Calamity Jane.
Drummond, Montana

Garnet, Montana

This amazingly preserved Gold Rush town is a historian's dream.
Butte, Montana

The Berkeley Pit

New fungal and bacterial species call this deadly lake home.
Melba, Idaho

Cleo's Ferry Museum and Nature Trail

Birdhouses, peacocks, animal sculptures, and a graveyard are all found along this eclectic nature trail.
Leadore, Idaho

Birch Creek Charcoal Kilns

These century-old beehive-shaped kilns were built to produce charcoal for nearby mines.
Salmon, Idaho

Dugout Dick Memorial

An Idaho legend carved out a cave village with his own two hands.
Murphy, Idaho

Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area

Rare and gorgeous birds abound in this protected wildlife sanctuary.
Post Falls, Idaho

Treaty Rock

A wild west land agreement was etched right onto this historic Idaho stone.
Leadore, Idaho

Gilmore Ghost Town

A few dilapidated structures are all that remain of this deserted former silver mining town.
Nampa, Idaho

Map Rock

A petroglyph map of the upper Snake River carved by prehistoric hunter-gatherers.
Boise, Idaho

The Black Cliffs

These black pillars of volcanic basalt seem to call mountain climbers with an unbreakable siren song.
Stanley, Idaho

Custer Ghost Town

See just what life was like in a 19th-century prospecting town.
Idaho City, Idaho

Idaho City

A former gold rush boomtown has managed to stay in business for over 100 ramshackle years.
Cottonwood, Idaho

Dog Bark Park Inn

Sweet Willy, at 30 feet tall, is the world's biggest beagle.