lenabassett963's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Flagstaff, Arizona

Wupatki Spirit Totem

A mysterious spirit totem at the edge of Navajo lands.
Peach Springs, Arizona

Caverns Grotto

In a 345-million-year-old cave that's 200 feet underground, dinner awaits.
Tucson, Arizona

Rattlesnake Bridge

In Tucson a giant metal snake helps pedestrians cross a busy highway.
Yucca, Arizona

Area 66

This golf ball–shaped former desert real estate office now houses a UFO museum.
Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix Bat Cave

Thousands of Mexican Free-Tailed Bats soar around an abandoned storm drain at sunset each summer.
Holbrook, Arizona

The Wigwam Village #6

A motel dedicated to Southwestern nostalgia.
Seligman, Arizona

Delgadillo's Snow Cap Drive-In

A classic Route 66 landmark that was built with scrap lumber and is held together with kitsch and puns.
Tucson, Arizona

Lisa Frank Factory

The fading, forgotten remains of a once bright and booming factory.
Green Valley, Arizona

Titan Missile Museum

America's only nuclear missile silo open to the public.
Hartford, Connecticut

Statue of Jack the Pardoned Turkey

This sculpture commemorates the first instance of an American president pardoning a turkey.
Hillsboro, New Mexico

Lake Valley Historic Townsite

Crumbling remnants of what was once a booming town full of silver.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

La Cieneguilla Petroglyph Site

These Pre-Columbian petroglyphs contain representations of birds, deer, hunters, and even some early Native flute players.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument

A unique geological area spiked with wind-carved rocks that resemble teepees.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Origami in the Garden

Giant origami sculptures tucked into desert scenery beckon passers-by to explore further.
Los Cerrillos, New Mexico

Los Cerrillos

This sparsely populated town offers a look back in time.
Madrid, New Mexico

Madrid Christmas Parade

A ghost town revived by hippies and wanderers throws its own special brand of holiday parade.
Los Lunas, New Mexico

New Mexico Mystery Stone

On the side of a remote mountain, a stone face bearing an inscription of mysterious origin.
Cedar Crest, New Mexico

TWA Flight 260 Crash Site

Deadly airliner crash preserved for those willing to climb and pay respects.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Indian Pueblo Kitchen

Eat like pre-Columbian Native Americans in this New Mexico restaurant within the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

American International Rattlesnake Museum

A museum devoted entirely to the rattlesnakes and snake-related art.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Little Beaver Town

An abandoned amusement park based on the popular 1940s Red Ryder comic strip.
Mills, New Mexico

Kiowa National Grassland

Adobe ruins punctuate the beauty of an 800 foot canyon carved by the Canadian River.
Jemez Springs, New Mexico

Jemez Springs Soda Dam

The 7,000-year-old calcium carbonate formation creates a magnificent natural bridge.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Grave of Walter White

The fictional star of "Breaking Bad" is memorialized with a real-life gravestone in his hometown.