linneazolezzi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Budapest, Hungary

For Sale Pub

This Budapest bar allows drinkers to leave their mark on the walls, floor, and even ceiling.
Barcelona, Spain

La Carbonería

One of the most photographed buildings in a city known for its Modernista architecture is an abandoned squat.
Barcelona, Spain

Hash Marijuana & Hemp Museum Barcelona

A stately palace has been converted into the world's largest cannabis museum.
Barcelona, Spain

Festa Major de Gràcia

Week-long block party becomes a competition for the best decorated street.
Barcelona, Spain

Park Güell

Gaudí's famously flamboyant architectural style is on full display in this sprawling park and garden.
Barcelona, Spain

Chocolate Museum

Gaze upon chocolate sculptures depicting everything from chariot races to Gaudí's famous church at this shrine to sweets.
San Francisco, California

Site of the San Francisco Hippodrome

An art supply shop holds the secrets of this quiet neighborhood's raucous Barbary Coast past.
San Francisco, California

Tenderloin National Forest

A speck of nature and art in one of San Francisco’s most notorious neighborhoods.
San Francisco, California

Faery Door

San Franciscans leave gifts and messages for the magical beings that live behind the tiny, mysterious door installed on a tree in Golden Gate Park.

Farallon Islands

Nuclear waste dump site now an environmental sanctuary.
San Francisco, California

The Old Ship Saloon

A Barbary Coast watering hole built into a Gold Rush shipwreck.
San Francisco, California

Esmeralda Slide Park

A pair of slides and a tree-lined stair corridor have been an urban oasis for nearly 40 years.
San Francisco, California

Portals of the Past

The remains of a ruined mansion memorialize the 1906 earthquake.
San Francisco, California

The Shipwrecks at Land's End

A 300-ship graveyard, with a few still visible at low tide.
San Francisco, California

Bourbon & Branch

A nondescript building that's been functioning as a speakeasy for nearly a century and a half.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
San Francisco, California

Labyrinth at Land’s End

A winding path built in secret on the edge of the continent.
San Francisco, California

Magowan's Infinite Mirror Maze

A psychedelic labyrinth on the San Francisco bay.
San Francisco, California

Seward Street Slides

Bring your own cardboard to the slippery slopes of concrete hidden in a neighborhood park.
San Francisco, California

Secret Tiled Staircase

An artsy hidden staircase leads to breathtaking views of San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

The Wave Organ

A huge musical instrument played by the ocean.
Sedilo, Italy

L'Ardia di San Costantino Festival

A wild annual race in Sardinia re-enacts Constantine's victory in Rome.
Capo Testa, Italy

Capo Testa Rock Formations

Windblown rock formations in an ancient Roman quarry.
Villa Caldari, Italy

Cammino di San Tommaso Fountain of Wine

An Italian vineyard invites religious pilgrims to stop by 24/7 to get their drink on, for free.