lorrainemcclure's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Leek, England

The Queen's Chair

This stone throne invites adventurers to observe breathtaking views of the Peak District.
North Yorkshire, England

Coldstones Cut

A dramatic sculpture high up in Yorkshire with vistas on an industrial scale.
London, England

St Augustine's Tower

This medieval church tower has maintained its clockworks since the 16th century.
Bourton-on-the-Water, England

Bourton-on-the-Water Model Village

A miniature village mimics the surrounding buildings so well it includes itself.
Thurgoland, England

Thurgoland Tunnel

A repurposed railway tunnel with otherworldly acoustic characteristics.
Bletchley, England

National Museum of Computing

Museum celebrating the history of computers, especially their role in codebreaking.
Oxford, England

The Saxon Tower at St. Michael at the North Gate

This 11th century tower is said to be the oldest building in Oxford.
South Harting, England

Vandalian Tower

This ruined folly was originally built to honor a failed American state that would have become "Westsylvania."
Cumbria, England

Ravenglass Roman Bath House

These Roman ruins in England’s Lake District are 2,000 years old, but look pretty good for their age.
Grantham, England

The Francis Trigge Chained Library

One of the oldest libraries in England, and one of the last of the great medieval chained collections.
Derbyshire, England

The Crazy Pinnacle

There's a strange stone hoodoo towering atop a wooded hillside and no one is quite sure how it got there.
Thorpeness, England

House in the Clouds

Unusual British home built to disguise a water tower.
Uxbridge, England

Battle Of Britain Bunker

Visit the WWII bunker where the British won the battle for the skies.
Birmingham, England

Moseley Bog

An ancient woodland that inspired a young J.R.R. Tolkien.
North Yorkshire, England

Buttertubs Pass

A steep and winding road in the Yorkshire Dales passes by these deep natural potholes.
Coventry, England

Caludon Castle Ruins

This ruin in a suburban park may be the place where Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was first performed.
Coventry, England

Spon Street

A preserved block of timber buildings from the city's industrial era in the Middle Ages.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Lit & Phil

This gorgeous space is England's largest independent library outside of London.
Norfolk, England

The Devil's Punchbowl

A mysterious crater-like pond has a spooky tendency to empty and fill with complete disregard to rainfall patterns.
Little Dunmow, England

The Tomb of Maid Marian

It's believed Matilda Fitzwalter's life was the basis for the famed literary figure.
Milton Keynes, England

Bletchley Park

Home to Alan Turing, the cracking of the Enigma code, and Captain Ridley's shooting party.
Birmingham, England

Warstone Lane Cemetery Catacombs

A hidden gem in the middle of the city's infamous Jewelry Quarter.
North Warnborough, England

Odiham Castle

It's believed King John of England stayed at this 13th-century castle before riding off to sign the Magna Carta.
Rye, England

Camber Castle

Henry VIII's forgotten castle was built by the gunpowder-obsessed king to be defended solely by cannons.