lyzchapman's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Sedona, Arizona
Places visited in Mesa, Arizona
Places visited in Payson, Arizona
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Chandler, Arizona


A $100,000 tumbleweed decorates an Arizona park and ride that got its priorities a bit tangled.
Holbrook, Arizona

Petrified Forest National Park

See massive fossils that are over 200 million years old in northeastern Arizona.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Hand of Faith Gold Nugget

The second-largest gold nugget in existence, displayed in a Las Vegas casino conveniently named the Golden Nugget.
Needles, California

Carty's Camp

An abandoned 1920s-era stretch of cabins now overshadowed by the 66 Motel.
Lake Havasu City, Arizona

Lake Havasu's London Bridge

This immigrant bridge once spanned the Thames but is now a fixture of an Arizona city.
Estes Park, Colorado

The Stanley Hotel

Paranormal experiences in this hotel's room 217 led Stephen King to write "The Shining."
Oracle, Arizona

Biosphere 2

A reproduction of earth's many biomes.
Bisbee, Arizona

Bisbee Stairs

Stairs often replace streets on the steep slopes of this old mining town.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Coconino Lava River Cave

Eons ago, a rushing lava river formed this pristine passage through solid rock.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Walnut Canyon

Ancient pueblos built into the base of a natural canyon wall.
Sedona, Arizona

Chapel of the Holy Cross

A spiritual vortex among the red rocks in Sedona.
Mesa, Arizona

Salt River Wild Horses

These free-roaming horses were once destined to disappear from the land.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Goodyear, Arizona

Phoenix Trotting Park

This abandoned horse racing track was an exercise in hubris from its inception.
Casa Grande, Arizona

The Domes

An abandoned facility that has become a place of ritualistic satanic worship, or so rumor has it.
Casa Grande, Arizona

Corona Satellite Calibration Targets

Concrete crosses scattered across the Arizona scrubland which were used to align spy satellites.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Golden Valley, Arizona

Santa Claus, Arizona

A Saint Nicholas-themed ghost town in the Mojave desert.
Boise, Idaho

Old Idaho State Penitentiary

Jail from the 19th century that was built by inmates.
Boise, Idaho

The Black Cliffs

These black pillars of volcanic basalt seem to call mountain climbers with an unbreakable siren song.
Boise, Idaho

The Basque Block

A small section of Boise, Idaho maintains the unique culture and traditions of the Basque people.
Boise, Idaho

Albertsons Stadium

Boise State's stadium was the first non-green football field in the world.
Chloride, Arizona

Chloride Ghost Town

All of the 20 occupied houses in this mostly abandoned town feature some curious display of junk art.
San Francisco, California

Paxton Gate

A shop full of natural curiosities, carnivorous plants, and costumed taxidermied mice.