margiekenedy's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Franconia, New Hampshire

The Frost Place

A short nature trail winds through the greatest works of poet Robert Frost.
Rye, New Hampshire

Sunken Forests of Rye

Stumps of an Ice Age forest, visible only at low tide.
Madison, New Hampshire

Madison Boulder

A very big rock just plopped down in the New England woods.
Manchester, New Hampshire

Cat Alley

One New Hampshire alleyway has become home to a public gallery of feline art.
Brookline, New Hampshire

Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture Garden

Around 100 sculptures from artists all over the world decorate the hiking trails surrounding this locale.
Jackson, New Hampshire

Thompson Falls

This 150 foot seven-tiered cascading waterfall is one of the hidden gems of the White Mountains.
Hebron, New Hampshire

Sculptured Rocks

This narrow canyon has been carved by the river over thousands of years into spectacular and curious forms.
Lincoln, New Hampshire

The Basin

Even Henry David Thoreau found this glacial pothole irresistible.
Salem, New Hampshire

Mystery Hill: America's Stonehenge

America's oldest archaeological site or a muddled case of wishful thinking.
South Hero, Vermont

Birdhouse Forest

Driftwood dinosaurs lurk within trees covered in a rainbow array of avian abodes.
Fair Haven, Vermont

Vermont's Marble Mansions

Two distinctive homes on a New England village green look like a couple of frosted wedding cakes.
Richmond, Vermont

Old Round Church

This rare polygonal meeting house is rumored to be built in a circle so that the devil has nowhere to hide.
Danville, Vermont

The Forgotten Village at Greenbank's Hollow

Industrial ruin decimated this tiny New England company town in a fashion no one saw coming… and even fewer remember today.
Stowe, Vermont

Mount Mansfield

The highest peak in the state of Vermont has some interesting features.
Falmouth, Massachusetts

The Garden of Our Lady

Marigolds, rosemary, Madonna lilies, and the Virgin’s Bower decorate this Massachusetts sacred garden.
Yarmouth, Massachusetts

Whydah Pirate Museum

This Cape Cod museum exhibits what it claims is the only authenticated pirate treasure in the world.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Captain Edward Penniman House

The Cape Cod house that whaling built.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Doane Rock

The largest glacial erratic boulder on Cape Cod.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Billingsgate Island

The Atlantis of Cape Cod reemerges during the lowest of tides.
Sandwich, Massachusetts

Sandwich Glass Museum

This delicate museum is devoted to the art and industry that once supported Cape Cod's oldest town.
Bellows Falls, Vermont

Bellows Falls Petroglyphs

These mysterious petroglyphs in Vermont reflect a troubled history in the treatment of Native American culture.
Webster, Massachusetts

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg

It's not a typo, now say it five times fast!
Saratoga Springs, New York

Orenda Spring Tufa

A beautiful multicolored mound formed by the mineral deposits of the Orenda Spring.
Greenfield Center, New York

Lester Park

Fossilized sea bottom and lime quarry.