masterofhounds's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Francisco, California

Janis Joplin Tree

A famous alternative culture epicenter and where Joplin serenaded young hippies.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Horseshoe Pitch

The best place in the park to test out your throwing arm.
San Francisco, California

Mescaline Grove

A favorite haunt of dinosaur loving children and hallucinogen loving hippies alike.
San Francisco, California

Spreckels Temple of Music

An elaborate gift from Claus Spreckels is now a piece of San Francisco history.
San Francisco, California

Spanish Monastery Stones

The remains of a 12th-century chapter house in Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California

The Dore Vase

A masterpiece in Golden Gate Park by virtue of the artist’s debt.
San Francisco, California

Presidio Pet Cemetery

A monument to the love people have for their pets.
San Francisco, California

Golden Gate Park Druid Circles

The stones that traveled from Spain to eventually become a holy place for San Francisco's nature worshippers.
San Francisco, California

Cayuga Park

Amazing meticulous gardens of personal wood carvings, Hydrangea, Canna, and many other flowers.
San Francisco, California

Loved to Death

This shop specializes in oddities and Victorian-inspired wonders.
San Francisco, California

Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church

Reverend Franzo Wayne King administers spiritual enlightenment through the music of the jazz legend.
San Francisco, California

Long Now Orrery

A modern mechanical planetary system, part of a 10,000 year clock.
San Francisco, California

Plaque to Bummer & Lazarus

Noble beasts perhaps, but not the Emperor's dogs.