matthewswaller27's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nga Khin Nyo Gyee Island, Myanmar (Burma)

Boulder Island

This remote island known for its balancing boulder may have inspired Peter Pan's Neverland.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

Atumashi Monastery

This Buddhist monastery once housed an image of Buddha containing a 19-carat diamond.
Bago, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwethalyaung Buddha of Bago

The second largest reclining Buddha in the world got "lost" for over 120 years.
Min Kun, Myanmar (Burma)

Mya Thein Tan Pagoda

This magnificent white pagoda was constructed to resemble a sacred Buddhist mountain.
Kawthaung, Myanmar (Burma)

Nesting Turtles of Wa Ale Island

How often do you find security guards patrolling tropical beaches to protect rare sea turtles from poachers? 
Taungbi, Myanmar (Burma)

Nat Taung Kyaung

Amazingly, this centuries-old wooden monastery is still standing today.
Minbu, Myanmar (Burma)

Minbu Mud Volcanoes

These muddy eruptions are less deadly than actual volcanoes but also more holy.
Ramree, Myanmar (Burma)

Ramree Island

The island that holds the world-record for largest human massacre caused by animals.
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Chin Tsong Palace

This extravagant villa built by a Burmese merchant is part pagoda and part European mansion.
Pindaya, Myanmar (Burma)

Pindaya Cave

A Buddha-filled cave that is named after a giant monster spider.
Taunggyi, Myanmar (Burma)

Floating Gardens of Inle Lake

A series of tiny artificial islands rich with produce bob atop the surface of the lake.
Mawlamyine, Myanmar (Burma)

Win Sein Taw Ya

The world's largest reclining Buddha, the Giant Buddha of Mudon.
Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma)

Werawsana Jade Pagoda

The tower claims to be the world's only pagoda made entirely from Myanmar's lucrative gemstone.
Taunggyi, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwe Indein Pagoda

A vast, otherworldly collection of Buddhist stupas.
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Pegu Club

An eerie abandoned gentlemen's club built for British officials during the colonial era.
Naypyitaw, Myanmar (Burma)

The Road through Naypyidaw

A deserted 20-lane highway runs through Myanmar's empty capital city.
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Nagar Glass Factory

The ruins of this prominent glass factory yield hidden treasures buried among the jungle floor.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwenandaw Kyaung Temple

A grand example of 19th century Burmese teak architecture, and the most significant of Mandalay's historic buildings.
Kyaukse, Myanmar (Burma)

Snake Pagoda of Myanmar

These serpents are considered holy and pampered accordingly.
Myingyan, Myanmar (Burma)

Mount Popa

Myanmar's Mount Olympus atop a 2,500-foot volcanic plug.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

U Bein Bridge

The oldest teak bridge in the world is made from the remains of a royal palace.
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma)

World's Largest Book at Kuthodaw Pagoda

This golden temple is surrounded by hundreds of stone tablets that comprise the "world's largest book."
Myanmar (Burma)

Thanboddhay Pagoda

Luxurious devotion and 500,000 images of Buddha in Myanmar.
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Shwedagon Pagoda

This gem-encrusted temple is said to contain some of the Buddha's hair which can make the deaf hear and the blind see.