Max Cortesi's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Thailand
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Places edited in Pakistan
Places visited in Pakistan
Places added to Portugal
Places edited in Sri Lanka
Places visited in Sri Lanka
Places added to Italy
Places edited in Armenia
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Denizli, Turkey

Pamukkale Water Terraces

Roman ruins top white travertine terraces formed by ancient hot springs.
Beiteddine, Lebanon

Beiteddine Palace

After this one-of-a-kind palace was built the architect's hands are said to have been cut off to keep it that way.
Marudi, Malaysia

The Pinnacles of Gunung Mulu

These jagged limestone blades cut out through the canopy of the jungles of Borneo.
Tobermory, Ontario

Flowerpot Island

Little island known for its massive beachfront "flowerpot" pillars.
Brooklyn, New York

Vinegar Hill

Walk into the 19th century without leaving Brooklyn.
Baku, Azerbaijan

Musical Stone of Gobustan

Resonant stone, that has been played since prehistoric times.
Doha, Qatar

Kashmir Handicrafts Emporium

Home of the infamous Rug Man of Doha.
Riomaggiore, Italy

Via dell’Amore

A lover's walk between hilltop towns, decorated with graffiti love notes.
New York, New York

Sidewalk Subway Map

Plot your trip through the city on the sidewalk.
Rome, Italy

Papal Hearts at Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi

This former Roman Catholic Church still contains the embalmed hearts and organs of 22 popes.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
Toronto, Ontario

Toronto PATH

One of the largest underground systems runs under Canada's largest urban center.
Nyaung-U, Myanmar (Burma)


Over 2,000 ancient temples dot the Myanmar landscape at the site of this famed archaeological site.
New York, New York

One Times Square

This historic address is home to the beloved ball and is an almost totally empty building among the most expensive real estate in the world.
Istanbul, Turkey

Obelisk of Theodosius

This remarkably well-preserved Egyptian plinth is pretty well traveled for a giant piece of stone.
Lusarat, Armenia

Khor Virap Monastery

The most visited pilgrimage site in Armenia once held a saint in a pit for 13 years.
Chiatura, Georgia

The Cable Cars of Chiatura

These Stalin-era industrial 'death traps' hang lifeless above the city
Pha Sing, Thailand

Wat Phumin

Riding on a pair of architectural dragons, this Thailand temple holds murals full of lurid imagery.
Katskhi, Georgia

Katskhi Pillar

Small church on top of a huge rock column.
Lospalos, East Timor

Lake Ira Lalaro

This crocodile-infested East Timor reservoir is also home to a spectacular half-sunken forest.
Halong City, Vietnam

Hang Sung Sot

Ha Long Bay's "Cave of Surprises" houses a popular phallic rock formation.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
East Molesey, England

Hampton Court Maze

England's oldest surviving hedge maze has been confusing visitors for over 300 years.
London, England

Battersea Power Station

Pop culture has helped to keep this iconic British building from being destroyed.