McDibble's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Drowned Village of Vilarinho da Furna

A submerged village appears when dam levels drop.
Tarragona, Spain

Roman Circus and Praetorian Tower

Long tunnels run under the ancient chariot racing circuit to the tower.
A Coruña, Spain

Elevador del Monte de San Pedro

This panoramic lift provides a futuristic ride up San Pedro Mountain.
A Coruña, Spain

Tower of Hercules

The oldest Roman lighthouse still in use.
A Coruña, Spain

Menhires Pola Paz

Giant granite sculptures representing family on the northern coast of Spain.
Betanzos, Spain

Parque del Pasatiempo

The remains of an encyclopedic sculpture garden later used as an internment camp.
Elvas, Portugal

Fort of Graça

This star-shaped military outpost is now simply trying to protect itself from neglect.
Barcelona, Spain

Museu de Carrosses Fúnebres de Barcelona

This Funeral Hearse Museum represents the finest in cadaver transportation.
Ronda, Spain

Ronda, Spain

Three bridges and one giant canyon make up this fantastic Spanish settlement.
La Pera, Spain

The Gala Dalí Castle

Of course Salvador Dalí lived in a castle...
Olvera, Spain

Olvera Castle - Castillo de Olvera

Moorish signal station on a stratgic rocky outcrop.
Canfranc, Spain

Canfranc International Railway Station

Abandoned Nazi train station turned underground astroparticle laboratory.
Rome, Italy

Basilica di San Clemente

A Nesting Doll of Churches.
Canale Monterano, Italy

The Ghost City of Monterano

The remains of a town so thoroughly destroyed by French forces that the citizens simply left.
Ribadeo, Spain

Playa de las Catedrales

Natural stone arches form a walkable "cathedral" at low tide, then disappear entirely when the water returns.
Padula, Italy

Certosa di San Lorenzo (Padula Charterhouse)

An omelette made with over 1,000 eggs may have been prepared when Holy Roman Emperor Charles V visited this monastery.
Formia, Italy

Eremo di San Michele Arcangelo (Hermitage of Saint Michael the Archangel)

Hidden in a high mountain cave, this hermitage dates back to the ninth century.
Nughedu Santa Vittoria, Italy

Domus de Janas Tombs

Ancient cave tombs known as the "houses of fairies."
Stra, Italy

Villa Pisani Labirinto

A complex, nine-layer maze on the grounds of a Venetian doge's playground.
Milan, Italy

Loggia dei Mercanti Whispering Gallery

The secret medieval communication system will whisk your words above the noise of the crowd.
Milan, Italy

San Bernardino alle Ossa

An ossuary built in 1210 to collect bones from the Ospedale Maggiore of Milan.
Cori, Italy

Temple of Hercules

The ruins of this Roman temple dominate the small city in southern Lazio.
Barcelona, Spain


This cafe offers a curated collection of treats and tipples made by monks and nuns.
Astura, Italy

Torre Astura

A medieval stronghold rising over the ruins of ancient Roman villas along Rome's southern coast.