Michael Reinhardt's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in McMurdo Station, Antarctica
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Oost-Indisch Huis

The former headquarters of history's oldest megacorporation.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

City Hall Urinal

A public urinal so pretty, it was declared a national monument.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


An ancient passage filled with stalls selling used books, once frequented by Vincent Van Gogh.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cuypers Library

This gorgeous reading room houses the oldest and largest art history library in the Netherlands.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A nearly 25-foot concrete sculpture of Sylvette, Picasso's muse.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Kunsthalte (Witte de Withstraat Tram Stop)

An art installation memorializing a tram stop, which became a tram stop.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Het Wittehuis

The oldest skyscraper of Europe now stands dwarfed by the surrounding structures.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Schaakstukkenmuseum (The Chessmen Museum)

This small museum located under the famous cube houses, is home to some 30,000 chess pieces.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Erasmus Statue

The oldest statue in the Netherlands has survived relocation, bombardment, and burial.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Delftse Poort

A modern reimagining of a medieval city gate.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A dramatic art installation features a BMW flying out of a building in Rotterdam.
Antwerp, Belgium

St. Anna's Tunnel

Rare wooden escalators lead deep down into an otherwise staggeringly monotonous tiled tunnel.
Antwerp, Belgium

Cafe Beveren

This small corner bar is home to a rare 1930s dance organ that still plays tunes for one Euro.
Antwerp, Belgium

Lange Wapper Statue

This legendary giant, born from vegetables, terrorized townspeople and cheated local children in games.
Antwerp, Belgium

Museum Vleeshuis

This former guildhall with a bacon-like exterior is now home to a museum covering 600 years of Antwerp's musical history.
Antwerp, Belgium

Semini Sculpture

This heavily worn bas-relief was once an honored fertility symbol.
Antwerp, Belgium

Brabo Fountain

A man throwing a giant severed hand towers over Antwerp’s main square.
Antwerp, Belgium

Nello and Patrasche

This statue dedicated to the story of a Flemish boy and his dog was relatively obscure in Belgium, but a cult sensation in Japan.
Bruges, Belgium

Halve Maan Brewery Beer Pipeline

A beer pipeline runs beneath Bruges.
Bruges, Belgium

The Lucifernum

This former Masonic lodge has been transformed into part museum, part bar, all awesome.
Bruges, Belgium

The Devil's Pants

A piece of stonework relief commemorates the site where the Devil's rage, and odd apparel, destroyed a house.
Bruges, Belgium

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Christ's blood allegedly preserved in a Belgian town.