michaelhordern's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Dunwich, England
Places edited in Derby, England
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Oxford, England

Folly Bridge

The spot where Oxford garnered its name was also home to a medieval philosopher and includes a house covered in statues.
Oxford, England

Port Meadow

Legend says this public grazing area hasn't been plowed for thousands of years.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
London, England

London's Lilliputian Police Station

London's smallest police station is barely the size of a phone booth.
London, England

London's Original and All-Inspiring Coffee House

The site of London's first coffee house has been serving refreshments of one kind or another for 360 years.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
London, England

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

One of the few remaining casualties of the London Blitz, this destroyed church has become an enchanting public garden.
London, England

Monument to the Great Fire of London

The commemorative stone column conceals a secret laboratory.
London, England

The London Stone

This legendary stone is of unknown origin, and throughout history has been a literal touchstone for British leaders.
London, England

Philpot Lane Mice Sculpture

A mysterious pair of mice eating a piece of cheese is London's smallest public sculpture.
London, England

Roman Wharf Timber

The 2,000-year-old beam is tucked within the pedestrian entrance to the old London Bridge.
Lisbon, Portugal

Conserveira de Lisboa

The best place in the world to buy tinned fish.
Lisbon, Portugal

History of Lisbon Mural

Hidden beneath a beautiful overlook you’ll find the history of the city depicted in comic strip format next to a pay toilet.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
London, England

Highgate Cemetery

London's creepiest cemetery was once the site of dueling magicians and mobs of stake-carrying vampire hunters.
Waddesdon, England

Waddesdon Manor Aviary

An ornate aviary built during the Victorian trend of collecting exotic birds.
Oxford, England

St Catherine's College

This slice of 1960s Danish modernism does not conform to the Oxford college stereotypes.
Oxford, England

Martyr's Mark

The spot where three Protestant clergymen were burned at the stake during the reign of "Bloody Mary."
Oxford, England

The Bear Inn

This centuries-old pub boasts a collection of more than 4,500 snippets of neckties from around the world.
Lisbon, Portugal

Carmo Convent Ruins

Legacy of the earthquake that nearly wiped Lisbon off the face of the Earth.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
Reading, England

Henry West's Grave

The wooden grave marker of a railroad worker who died in a freak whirlwind.
Reading, England

Reading Museum Bayeux Tapestry

This unique, full-sized copy of the Bayeux Tapestry sports a few modern additions, including underwear.
Chichester, England

Weald and Downland Living Museum

This open-air heritage museum illuminates centuries of historic English life from a West Sussex village.