mike052m's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Clarksville, Indiana

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Marine fossils from the Devonian period are exposed at this park.
Charlestown, Indiana

Rose Island

Ruined pieces of stone and a swimming pool are all that remain of an amusement park swept away by a flood.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dr. Bob's Folk Art

Colorful, cheeky signs spill out of legendary New Orleans folk artist Dr. Bob's Bywater studio warning you to "Be Niceā€”Or Leave."
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafayette Cemetery

This historic "City of the Dead" lies prominently in the center of New Orleans' famous Garden District.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Great American Alligator Museum

Come for the 14-foot-long taxidermy alligator. Stay for the mini costumed gators shooting pool.
New Orleans, Louisiana

La Belle Nouvelle Orleans Antiques

This unique shop is full of memento mori art, antique medical equipment, secret society paraphernalia, and historical relics.
New Orleans, Lousiana

Father Seelos Center

This site is dedicated to a candidate for sainthood and contains personal items including his cilice and lead coffin.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Mardi Gras World

This float factory takes the mask off of Mardi Gras and lets visitors see where the magic happens.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Dooky Chase's Restaurant

Parts of the civil rights movement unfolded in this historic eatery, helmed by the "Queen of Creole Cuisine."
New Orleans, Louisiana

General Laundry Building

It's clear this abandoned Art Deco gem was no ordinary cleaners.