Milai's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Banff, Alberta

Grizzly House

Try the alligator at this fondue spot, which has been catering to "lovers and hedonists" since 1967.
Rigaud, Québec

Sucrerie de la Montagne

This shack nestled in a 120-acre forest of maple trees in Mont-Rigaud is a wonderland of sugary syrup.
Osoyoos, British Columbia

Nk'Mip Cellars

North America's first Indigenous-owned winery is located within Canada's only desert-like ecosystem.
O'Leary, Prince Edward Island

Seaweed Pie

Made from local Irish moss, this pie is served only in Prince Edward Island's potato museum.
Toronto, Ontario

The Gibraltar Point Lighthouse

The oldest landmark of Toronto is a testament to shifting sands.
Toronto, Ontario

Acrotholus Audeti

The remains of the oldest bone-headed dinosaur in North America.
Toronto, Ontario

The Wood Cake House

This knick-knack-covered house (complete with a matching van) is a charming oddity in the middle of a modest downtown neighborhood.
Toronto, Ontario

'Little Canada'

A miniature representation of Canadian cities and landmarks in incredible—and sometimes hilarious—detail.
Toronto, Ontario

Bata Shoe Museum

A collection of more than 12,000 shoes, displayed in a building shaped like a shoebox.
Toronto, Ontario

CN Tower Stairs

One of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World holds the world's tallest metal staircase.
Toronto, Ontario

Leslieville's Crazy Doll House

This Toronto garden collects stares and tchotchkes in equal measure.
Toronto, Ontario

Casa Loma

A 98-room castle in the middle of Toronto that bankrupted a 19th century electricity multimillionaire.

Hawker Chan Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle

This Singaporean food-court stall was home to the world's cheapest Michelin-starred meal.


This statue once earned the distinction as one of the "Three Major Disappointments of the World."

World's First Salmon ATM

Frozen in Norway, vended in Singapore.

Haw Par Villa

A Buddhist theme park brings you a Buddhist version of Hell.

Gardens by the Bay

Singapore's landscaping project is home to 18 incredible Supertrees.

House of Tan Teng Niah

This house is one of the most colorful in the country, and is the last remaining example of a historic villa.
Rottingdean, England

Rottingdean Wishing Stone

According to local folklore, this odd face on a wall of Rudyard Kipling's former home can bring visitors a bit of luck.
Lodi, California

The Original Home of A&W Root Beer

A plaque and memorabilia collection mark where A&W got its start.
Devon, England

Wistman's Wood

This tangled English forest looks like something right out of a fairytale.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Gearrannan Blackhouse Village

Spend the night in this formerly abandoned traditional Scottish village.
Craighat, Scotland

Devil's Pulpit

A strange rock with a sinister reputation lurks within the crimson waters of this Scottish glen.
Isle of Skye, Scotland

Fairy Glen

This dramatic landscape hidden on the Isle of Skye looks as though you've stepped into the magical realm.