mitchyattone's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nye County, Nevada

Sailing Stones of Bonnie Claire Playa

Under the right conditions, rocks will move across this dry lakebed, leaving trails behind them.
Phoenix, Arizona

Mystery Castle

A self-built castle made by a mysterious man.
Mesa, Arizona

Organ Stop Pizza

Come for the pizza, stay for a performance on the world's largest theater pipe organ.
Chandler, Arizona

Terror Trader

Stock up on all your horror paraphernalia at this year-round Halloween emporium.
Park Ridge, Illinois

American Science & Surplus

A science teacher's dream.
Geneva, Illinois

Illinois State Training School Cemetery

This cemetery is all that remains of a school for "wayward" girls.
Geneva, Illinois

Sacred Heart Seminary Shrine

A hidden grotto on the grounds of the Kane County Government Center.
Addison, Illinois

Nike Park

Cold War missile launch site which has been converted to a public park.
Wadsworth, Illinois

Onan's Gold Pyramid House

A six-story-tall golden pyramid, surrounded by a moat.
Lincolnshire, Illinois

Par-King Skill Golf

This sprawling mini-golf empire is an impressive testament to a disappearing attraction.
Palatine, Illinois

Ahlgrim Acres

Take a break from all the boring business of death at this funeral home mini-golf course.
Schaumburg, Illinois

'The Awaking Muse'

The face of a woman pushes its way through the earth.
Alamo, Nevada

The Black Mailbox

Mysterious meeting place for UFO hunters near Area 51.