mkira1007's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Glorieta, New Mexico

Pigeon's Ranch

The remains of a historic ranch house that witnessed the Civil War battle dubbed the “Gettysburg of the West.”
Alameda, California

Naval Air Station Alameda

A decommissioned Naval base now rents itself out for people who want to blow stuff up.
Klamath, California

Klamath River Radar Station B71

These cinderblock farmhouses were actually World War II radar stations in disguise.
Robins Air Force Base, Georgia

Museum of Aviation

A fascinating aviation museum where you can chat with the veterans who once flew the aircraft on display.
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Greek Temple Monument War Memorial

Memorial built in 1922 in remembrance of WWI casualties.
Seaside, Oregon

Elsie Cemetery

This small, rural pioneer cemetery is full of interesting grave markers.
Hopewell, Virginia

Grant's Headquarters at City Point

For nearly a year, General Ulysses S. Grant was based here during the American Civil War.
Vonore, Tennessee

Sequoyah Birthplace Museum

This museum pays tribute to the Cherokee leader who created a written language for his people.
Greenville, Florida

Ray Charles Statue

Georgia may have been on his mind, but this memorial in Florida shows that Greenville was really Ray Charles's childhood home.
Monroe, Washington

Reptile Zoo

"The Reptile Man's" very own roadside zoo features an albino alligator.
Keene, New Hampshire

Parrish Shoes Sign

A recreated sign from the movie Jumanji has become a makeshift tribute to the film's late star.
Stafford, Virginia

Hogan's Alley

The FBI's urban training course may have the highest fake crime rate in the world.
Keene Valley, New York

Mount Marcy

The summit Roosevelt conquered before he descended to become The Chief.
Vermillion, South Dakota

Spirit Mound Historic Prairie

Known as "The Hill of the Little Devils."
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Cain’s Ballroom

Sid Vicious famously punched a hole in the wall of this iconic music venue.
Middlefield, Connecticut

Powder Hill Dinosaur Park

This petite park lets visitors see and touch examples of fossilized dinosaur tracks.
Pasadena, California

Cheesewright Studios

This 1920s masterpiece of French Quarter architecture hides a secret tunnel used by Albert Einstein.
Bar Nunn, Wyoming

Bar Nunn

A small town built on an abandoned airfield has former runways as streets and a bar and grill in an old airplane hangar.
Ormond Beach, Florida

Ormond Beach Watchtower

A replica of one of the more than 15,000 civilian lookout towers that lined the U.S. coast during World War II.
Kearney, Missouri

Watkins Woolen Mill

One of America's first planned communities is preserved in a state park.
Redmond, Oregon

Redmond Caves

A sprawling cave network created by a lone lava tube.
Huntsville, Alabama


A propulsion engine testbed that paved the way for the Space Shuttle launch sits without recognition at this rocket center.
New Castle, Colorado

Vulcan Mine

A coal fire has been burning underground here since 1896.
Battle Mountain, Nevada

Armpit of America

Small Nevada town embraced its designation as the "Armpit of America" with an Old Spice-sponsored festival.