mollymwheaton's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bruges, Belgium

Smedenpoort Skull

The bronzed skull of a beheaded traitor was affixed to the city gate in the 17th century.
Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp Ruien

An open-air sewer system that was covered piece-by-piece over 300 years.
Antwerp, Belgium

St. Anna's Tunnel

Rare wooden escalators lead deep down into an otherwise staggeringly monotonous tiled tunnel.
Brussels, Belgium

Hôtel Solvay

This historic Art Nouveau townhouse was the former home of the son of a famous chemical inventor and industrialist.
Brussels, Belgium

National Museum of the Resistance

This museum is housed in an unassuming building that witnessed one of the most daring feats of satire in modern history.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Train Station

The Belgian royal family's private depot now stands abandoned and forgotten alongside the tracks.
Brussels, Belgium

Musée des Égouts Bruxelles (Brussels Sewer Museum)

Head underground and take a tour of the city's working sewer system, and see the underground river Senne, which defined Brussels for centuries before being covered in the 19th century.
Brussels, Belgium

Commemoration of Peter the Great's Vomit

When you're a great Russian Tsar, even your vomit gets a statue.
Brussels, Belgium

Cemetery Dieweg

Nature is slowly overtaking this disused cemetery on the outskirts of Brussels.
Brussels, Belgium

Black Tower

A fantastical 13th-century fortification sandwiched by a modern hotel in central Brussels.
Brussels, Belgium

Temple of Human Passions

This Greek temple, open only an hour a day, was the site of a war of tastes between an architect and an artist.
Brussels, Belgium

Laeken Cemetery Crypt

This recently restored crypt was once plagued by liquefying coffins and exploding caskets.
Brussels, Belgium

Zinneke Pis

Meet the bronze beloved pet to a family of famous peeing statues.
Ludlow, California


One of the ghostly stops along Route 66.
Johannesburg, California


The liveliest ghost town in the state.
Oroville, California


Home of what was the largest hydraulic mine in the world, producing gold and the first diamonds in the U.S.
San Jose, California


San Francisco Bay's ghost town.
Inyo County, California

Scotty's Castle

An abandoned Jazz Age dream home and con man's hideout in Death Valley.
Los Angeles, California

Clifton's Cafeteria

Giant Redwood-themed cafeteria operates under the golden rule, "Dine Free Unless Delighted."
Los Angeles, California

Bronson Cave

It should come as no surprise that the best view of the Hollywood sign is from Batman's lair.
Los Angeles, California

Hollywood Heritage Museum

A little barn in the middle of the city preserving Hollywood treasures since 1985.
Egg Harbor City, New Jersey

Batsto Village

This historic iron-working village is now a ghost town so immaculate that it looks as though it was recently built.
Pomfret, Connecticut

The Abandoned Village of Bara-Hack

A few stone foundations and an old graveyard are all that is left of this once thriving settlement in the wilds of Connecticut.
Inyo County, California

Ballarat Ghost Town

This old mining town, deep in the California desert, has a year-round population of one.