MrSheldrake's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Wolnzach, Germany

German Hops Museum

Beer lovers thirsty for knowledge can now visit a museum devoted to the world's largest hop-growing region.
Schramberg, Germany

Da-Bach-na-Fahrt (Journey Down the Stream)

Whimsical wash tubs row down the stream as part of this Carnival celebration.
Chemnitz, Germany


One of the largest busts in the world celebrates the German city's erstwhile namesake.
Wiesbaden, Germany

Gebr. Stern GmbH's Giant Cuckoo Clock

This tremendous timepiece was once the largest cuckoo clock in the world.
Hamburg, Germany

Hall of Fame Heimfeld

One of the largest legal spray spots in Hamburg.
Hettingen, Germany

Gewandhaus Museum Inneringen

Opulent period costumes and murals lead you on a journey through fashion history.
Berlin, Germany

Onkel Toms Hütte (Uncle Tom's Cabin)

The 1852 novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" lends its name to a subway station, a street, and several shops on the edge of Berlin.
Hirschau, Germany

Monte Kaolino

A man-made slag heap that you can "ski" down, and is home to the world sandboarding championships.
Bamberg, Germany

Bird Hall of Bamberg Natural History Museum

A beautiful collection of taxidermy birds and rare pomological wax models.
Schweindorf, Germany

Westerholt E-66 Observation Wind Turbine

Giant wind turbine with observation deck at the very top.
Nuremberg, Germany

Nuremberg Toy Museum

This historic toy museum brings a little whimsy to a city not usually remembered for such things.
Giessen, Germany


This peculiar museum offers hands-on interaction with seemingly intangible principles of mathematics.
Frankfurt, Germany

Luftbrückendenkmal: Monument to the Berlin Airlift

The sweet story of how American cargo planes became known as "Candy Bombers" during the Berlin Blockade.
Karlsruhe, Germany

Kindergarten Wolfartsweier

A kindergarten shaped like a cat with a tail that's a slide.
Nagold, Germany


A German town is growing a building out of trees.
Garching bei München, Germany

Parabolic Slides

Four-story slides send people whizzing through the math department at this Munich university.
Nentershausen, Germany

Naturbauten Park

At this unusual park, domes, ladders, chairs, and more are made from trees.
Munich, Germany

Pinakothek der Moderne Futuro House

One of the most easily accessible examples of the rare 1960s UFO houses.
Munich, Germany

Filmtheater Sendlinger Tor

This century-old cinema house has a marquee that has been hand painted by a single man for over 25 years.
Regensburg, Germany

Wurstkuchl (Sausage Kitchen)

This riverside restaurant has been serving customers since 1146.
Templin, Germany

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Traffic Signs

The world's most delightful not-NOT-religion welcomes visitors to the town of Templin, just like its more stoic peers.
Sasbachwalden, Germany

Schlafen im Weinfass

You haven’t properly toured a winery until you’ve slept in an actual wine barrel.
Bonn, Germany

Bonn Cherry Blossoms

Thousands of flowers create enchanting pink tunnels over the city streets.
Metten, Germany

Baroque Library of Metten Abbey

This 8th-century Bavarian monastery is home to an exquisite Baroque-era library.