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Queens, New York

Steinway Piano Factory

Piano-making empire filled with 200-year-old steam machines still churning out 1,000 instruments a year.
New York, New York

Private Passage

Wine bottle sculpture with a ship's stateroom inside.
New York, New York

Bemelmans Bar

The walls are decorated with whimsical murals painted by the creator of the Madeline franchise.
New York, New York

Alice in Wonderland Statue

This whimsical group of statues is a favorite of children who love to climb all over Lewis Carroll's beloved characters.
New York, New York

Venetian Room

This lavish room at NYC's French Embassy is a rare relic from the end of the Gilded Age.
New York, New York


Though its celestial ceiling is impressive, the true star is the vast collection of French books.
New York, New York

The Ramble Cave

Hidden in Central Park's Ramble is a troublesome cave buried just beneath the surface.
New York, New York

Henry Bliss Plaque

A memorial to the first person killed by a motor vehicle in the Western Hemisphere.
New York, New York

Antioch Chalice

Once thought to be the fabled Holy Grail, it is now known to be an oil lamp.
New York, New York

NYC Barber Museum

This nostalgic blast from the grooming past is also a working barbershop.
New York, New York

Septuagesimo Uno

The name of this tiny pocket park tucked between two buildings on Manhattan's Upper West Side is Latin for its location: "seventy-one."
New York, New York

Crabs of Cleopatra’s Needle

Curious crustaceans support an obelisk from ancient Egypt that now stands in modern-day Central Park.
New York, New York

George Glazer Gallery

Unique antiquarian shop specializing in globes, maps, and prints.
New York, New York

Second Avenue Subway Art

Beautiful mosaics cover the first stations opened on New York City's newest subway line.
New York, New York

The Treasures in the Trash Collection

A New York garbage depot holds a secret collection of weird and wonderful refuse.
Montclair, New Jersey

Thomas Edison's Concrete Houses

Edison's cast-in-place concrete houses were a failure, but way ahead of their time.
New York, New York

Maxilla & Mandible

A Natural History and Science Emporium.
New York, New York

Wild Bird Fund

New York City's only wildlife rehabilitation center treats more than 3,000 feathered and furry patients each year.
New York, New York

New York Academy of Medicine Rare Book Library

This hidden library of physiological ephemera contains centuries worth of knowledge on the vim and viscera of the human body.
New York, New York

Graffiti Hall of Fame

For over 30 years the walls of this Harlem schoolyard have been a gallery of street art by "Kings and better."
New York, New York

Blockhouse No. 1

This ruined fort hidden at the top of Central Park can't seem to keep from losing its historical plaques.
Bronx, New York

North Brother Island

Home to the infamous "Typhoid Mary" and the worst loss of life in New York's history prior to September 11, 2001.
Oakland, New Jersey

Van Slyke Castle Ruins

The remains of a century-old mansion that met a fiery demise years after it was deserted.
New York, New York

The Peace Fountain at Cathedral of St. John the Divine

A curious fountain that has no water and includes Satan, a crab, and 9 giraffes.