niallmccumesty's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Braga, Portugal
Places visited in Bamburgh, England
Places visited in Falkirk, Scotland
Places visited in Port Charlotte, Scotland
Places visited in Inverkeithing, Scotland
Places visited in Tirana, Albania
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Glasgow, Scotland

Bella the Beithir

A mythological Celtic beast built with thousands of colorful tiles stands guard over a historic canal junction.
Isle of Islay, Scotland

Dunyvaig Castle

It's believed a castle existed at this site since the 12th century.
Port Charlotte, Scotland

Tooth Stone

It's said taking a hammer and nail to this stone relieves a toothache.
Portnahaven, Scotland

Portnahaven Church

According to local legend, this church was built with two doors, so that residents of two rival villages had their own entrances.
Sumburgh, Scotland


This picturesque archeological site looks like it was pulled straight from a fantasy novel.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Broch of Mousa

A remarkably well preserved tower dating all the way back to the Iron Age.
Bigton, Scotland

St Ninian's Chapel

This former chapel resides on an island connected to the mainland by one of Shetland's iconic beachy tombolos.
Bixter, Scotland

Shetland Cake Fridges and Honesty Boxes

Across the islands, baked goods, sauces, and much more are for sale 24/7.
Lerwick, Scotland

'Shetland Receivers'

This audio art installation pays tribute to the weather and unique linguistic history of the archipelago.
Sheffield, England

The Green Police Box

This police call box harkens back to an era of pre-radio communications, and has a rather unique feature.
Sheffield, England

Bessemer Converter at Kelham Island Industrial Museum

One of the last remnants of the Bessemer process that revolutionized steel production during the industrial age.
Lincoln, England

The Lincoln Imp

Legend says this demonic carving inside a medieval cathedral was one of Satan's minions.
Lincoln, England

High Bridge

The oldest of the three remaining bridges in England with buildings on top of them.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Coade Stone Columns

It's a mystery how these curious columns wound up in an Edinburgh suburb.
Musselburgh, Scotland

'The Musselburgh Archer'

A sculpture dedicated to the Roman history steeped in a Scottish town.
Musselburgh, Scotland

‘Memory and Reflection’

A shiny sculpture celebrating the mighty mollusk.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Arthur's Seat

This extinct volcano rises above Edinburgh and is special for its panoramic views over the city.
Glasgow, Scotland

Sir Thomas Lipton’s Grave

The final resting place of one of the most important figures in the world of tea.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cineworld Renfrew Street

The Guinness Record holder as the "tallest cinema in the world" is a building with screens in almost every one of its 12 floors
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow's "Stone of Destiny"

Some believe that the stone once used to coronate Scottish kings resides inside this bar.
Saint Monans, Scotland

Wellie Garden of St Monans

Some cheeky plantings brighten an old slipway on Scotland's Firth of Forth.
Anstruther, Scotland

St Monans Salt Pans

The ruins of Scottish sea salt production.
Pittenweem, Scotland

St. Fillan's Cave

This tiny little cave was said to have been a refuge for a saint with a glowing arm.
Airdrie, Scotland

Scotland's Secret Bunker

A nuclear bunker built to shelter the politicians and important people of Scotland in case of nuclear attack.