oliverasis's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Hilo, Hawaii

Mauna Kea

Earth's tallest volcano is sacred to Native Hawaiians, and home to a dozen world-class observatories.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Library's Community Bookshelf

Community bookshelf of 25-foot-tall book spines.
Portland, Oregon

Mill Ends Park

The world's smallest park was dedicated in 1948 as the only colony for leprechauns west of Ireland.
San Francisco, California

San Francisco's Cable Car Museum

Not merely a museum – but a whirring powerhouse that offers a subterranean peek into the heart and soul of cable car operations.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old North Church

The site of Paul Revere's historic two lantern warning.
St. Louis, Missouri

Eros Bendato

A creepy sculpture of a decapitated head invites viewers to see St. Louis through its empty eyes.
Chicago, Illinois

Crown Fountain

The twin towers in this Chicago fountain use 50 foot tall video screens to spit on people.
Pasadena, California

Fork in the Road

A bigger-than-life pun that has become a beacon of altruism.
Kansas City, Missouri


The "World's Largest Underground Business Complex," a 55,000,000-square-foot city underneath Missouri.
Ashford, Washington

Mount Rainier

The highest point in Washington state is a volcano covered in glaciers.
New York, New York

'The Sphere'

This sculpture by artist Fritz Keonig survived the 9/11 attacks and now stands as a monument to the victims.
Corinne, Utah

The Spiral Jetty

An earthwork sculpture built by Robert Smithson in the Great Salt Lake only reemerges during drought.
Forks, Washington

Second Beach

A surreal landscape where fanged rocks rise from the ground and the ocean feels like a great mystery.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Dallas, Texas

'Eye' Sculpture

This downtown Dallas art installation is always on the lookout.
Clark County, Nevada

Valley of Fire

The drama of nature in full effect in this Nevada State Park.
Portland, Oregon

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Nestled between a college and a golf course, the garden is home to more than 2,500 rhododendrons.
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Titanic Museum Attraction

A recreation of the doomed ocean liner in the middle of the Smoky Mountains.
San Francisco, California

The 'Full House' House

This private residence was the template for one of the most beloved television homes of all time.
New York, New York

Macy's Wooden Escalators

A bit of retro transportation flair preserved in the world's largest department store.
Los Angeles, California

Barnsdall Art Park

This hilltop park offers magnificent views and a Frank Lloyd Wright masterpiece.
Cannon Beach, Oregon

Haystack Rock

A massive sea stack famous for its appearance in The Goonies.
Bridgeport, California

Bodie State Historic Park

Standing in a state of "arrested decay," this ghost town allows for a detailed peek into Gold Rush life in an unusually harsh climate.
Inyo County, California

Badwater Basin

The lowest point in North America is home to an undrinkable pool surrounded by fields of geometric salt flats.