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Marmirolo, Italy

Bosco Fontana

Once the hunting reserve of a noble family, this is one of the few remnants of Pleistocene planitial forest in northern Italy that still stands.
Luras, Italy

Olivastri Millenari

At an estimated 3,800 years old, this olive tree is one of the oldest on earth.
Genzano di Lucania, Italy

Monteserico Castle

Its look is severe, but its location, isolated on a hill in the middle of the countryside, is particularly scenic.
Brescia, Italy

Bonomini Tomb

Legend says the only thing buried within this magnificent tomb was a dog.
Trieste, Italy

Faro della Vittoria (Victory Lighthouse)

One of the tallest lighthouses in the world also serves as a monument to the fallen of World War I.
Como, Italy

Roman Baths of Como

This 1st-century CE Roman bath sits under a carpark.
Bergamo, Italy

Cappella Colleoni

If you ever wanted to touch a medieval mercenary’s three testicles, look no further.
Albenga, Italy

Slingshot Museum

A slingshot from this delightful collection is awarded each year to someone who has "pulled metaphorical slings in favor of the weak and marginalized."
Alianello, Italy

Alianello Ghost Town

Though an earthquake destroyed this village in 1980, one former resident still walks its streets every day.
L'Aquila, Italy

Hotel Campo Imperatore

This Italian ski resort rose to fame when Benito Mussolini was held prisoner there and then rescued by the SS.
Viggianello, Italy


The oldest scientifically dated tree in Europe lives on a remote cliff.
Rieti, Italy

Terminillo's Sword in the Stone

Templar knights fleeing persecution are said to have left this sword in stone as a landmark in 1307.
Ponte Nossa, Italy

Crocodile at the Santuario Madonna delle Lacrime Immacolate

This church, better known for its weeping portrait of the Virgin Mary, also houses the world's oldest existing piece of taxidermy.
Brallo di Pregola, Italy

Ghost Town of Rovaiolo Vecchio

An abandoned village, frozen in time by the threat of a landslide.
Rivodutri, Italy

Alchemical Door of Rivodutri

A 17th-century doorway in a small Sabine village is a portal into the mysteries of alchemy.
Ravenna, Italy

Baptistery of Neon

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung reported a paranormal experience after visiting this mosaic-lined Roman baptistry.
Torba, Italy

Faceless Nuns of the Torba Monastery

An unsettling painting of three faceless sisters that is surrounded by history and legend.
Modena, Italy

San Cataldo Cemetery

This ultra-modern burial building would have stacked the dead like a giant filing cabinet.
Oristano, Italy

Sa Sartiglia

This mysterious Sardinian festival sees a horde of blank-faced equestrians compete for tin stars.
Ivrea, Italy

Battle of the Oranges

A 12th-century Italian skirmish gets reenacted with 500,000 pounds of flying citrus.
Massa Marittima, Italy

Massa Marittima Mural

Does this strange mural depict witches battling beneath a penis tree?
Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii Thermopolium

Before it was buried by volcanic ash, this fast-food restaurant fed the hungry hordes of ancient Rome.
Pisa, Italy

The Camposanto

Next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a cemetery home to ancient sarcophagi and disturbing murals.
Rome, Italy

Bunker Soratte

Hidden within this iconic mountain are a set of World War II bunkers once used by German forces.