PamieCakes's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Elbasan County, Albania

Bunkers of Albania

Hundreds of thousands of concrete bunkers crowd Albania long after the fall of Communism.
Ohrid, North Macedonia

National Workshop For Handmade Paper

See how paper is made the old-fashioned way.
Athens, Greece

Kafeneio Oraia Ellas

Luminaries of all stripes have sipped strong Greek coffee at this cafe since 1839.
Athens, Greece


With no menu and no sign, this 130-year-old taverna doles out affordable home cooking.
Athens, Greece

Archaeological Site inside Monastiraki Metro Station

View the ancient remains of buildings and the ancient "River of Hades" before hopping on a train.
Lisbon, Portugal

Bordallo Pinheiro Garden

A garden in Lisbon filled with giant porcelain creatures.
Lisbon, Portugal

Hospital de Bonecas

Catering to broken dolls for almost 200 years, this repair shop is now a charnel house of doll parts.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Lisbon, Portugal

Museu da Farmácia

Entire apothecaries are on display at this Lisbon museum, which explores the history of medicine.
Lisbon, Portugal

Museu da Marioneta (Museum of Puppetry)

This museum contains a vast array of puppets and marionettes from all over the world, featuring incredible works by Portuguese creators.
Seville, Spain

Yemas de San Leandro

Hidden behind a wall, Spanish nuns distribute their signature sweets on a revolving tray.
Seville, Spain

Metropol Parasol

The world's largest wooden structure.
Seville, Spain

Bar Garlochí

Drink the 'Blood of Christ' in this Roman Catholic fever dream.
Seville, Spain

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

The final resting place of the great navigator, or maybe his brother.
Mitaka, Japan

Reversible Destiny Lofts Mitaka

A colorful, architectural experiment designed to increase a resident's longevity.
Tangier, Morocco

Caves of Hercules

Along the most northwestern point in Africa is an ancient cave surrounded by legends.
Tangier, Morocco

Tomb of Ibn Batutta

The tomb of one of the greatest travelers in history.
Tangier, Morocco

Roman Punic Necropolis

Ancient Phoenician and Roman tombs carved into the rock overlook the Moroccan coastline.
Tangier, Morocco

Tangier Seaside Cliff Steps

Known to backpackers as the "Steps of Doom," this walkway carved into the side of a seaside cliff leads to the Roman Tombs.
Meknes, Morocco

Prison de Kara

Designed as a labyrinth, this subterranean prison was crafted without bars or doors.
Fez, Morocco

Chouara Leather Tannery

Traditional 11th-century outdoor tannery.
Fez, Morocco

Merenid Tombs

Crumbling necropolis set high above Fez.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nieuwe Spiegelstraat

An Amsterdam street lined with antique shops each one dedicated to a different obscure collection.