PatTheGreat's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Casablanca, Morocco
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Mexico City, Mexico

Monoliths of the Templo Mayor

This museum houses two of Mexico's most impressive Aztec monoliths.
Mexico City, Mexico

Coyoacán Bazaar Toy Cemetery

Abandoned figurines adorn a small plot on the side of a craft market's entrance.
Mexico City, Mexico

Serpents of the Great Temple

These spectacular, symbolic serpents lie within the shadow of the Great Temple.
Baltimore, Maryland

Nuclear Ship Savannah

America's first nuclear-powered merchant ship is now a time warp to the atomic age.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Palace of Cortés

The conquistador's former fortress is the oldest preserved colonial building in the Americas.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Museo Robert Brady

An incredible little museum of interior design full of artifacts collected from around the world.
Cuernavaca, Mexico

Cuernavaca Cathedral Murals

Monumental paintings, discovered in a Mexican cathedral in 1957, depict the deaths of some friars in Japan.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Anahuacalli

The Mexican painter Diego Rivera created this unusual museum to display his collection of pre-Hispanic artifacts.
Mexico City, Mexico

Museo Casa de León Trotsky

A museum in the former home of Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa Azul

Frida Kahlo's childhood home, now a museum of her life and works.
Mexico City, Mexico

Fuente de los Coyotes

In Coyoacán, a pair of coyotes crown a public fountain in reference to the ancient Aztec name of the borough.
Mexico City, Mexico

Skull Rack of the Great Temple

A disquieting Aztec sculpture displays hundreds of stone skulls representing the victims of human sacrifice.
Mexico City, Mexico

Mercado San Juan

CDMX's home for the world's culinary delights.
Mexico City, Mexico

Reloj Chino (Chinese Clock)

This stately clock was gifted from China's last imperial government to the people of Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Alexander Von Humboldt Monument

A bronze statue of the famed Prussian naturalist commemorates the year he spent in Mexico.
Mexico City, Mexico

Palacio Postal

Gilded heaven for philatelists and architecture freaks, still in full working order despite sitting atop tremulous ground.
Mexico City, Mexico

La Casa de los Azulejos

Once home to an aristocratic family and a workers' organization, this intricately tiled building now houses a chain restaurant.
Mexico City, Mexico

Plaza Santos Degollado

A grand entrance to one of the world's smallest Chinatowns.
Mexico City, Mexico


The most complete statue of this Aztec god sits a top a throne carved with images of hallucinogenic plants.
Mexico City, Mexico

Monolith of Tlaloc

This colossal ancient sculpture of the monstrous Aztec rain god has a literally stormy history.
Mexico City, Mexico

Ocelotl Cuauhxicalli

This colossal ancient jaguar sculpture was used as a vessel for the hearts torn from sacrificial victims.
Mexico City, Mexico

Disk of Death

This strange sculpture of a menacing skull surrounded by sun rays was discovered at the foot of the Pyramid of the Sun.
Mexico City, Mexico

Dualidad Mural

This immense scene of a cosmic battle between a jaguar and serpent illustrates the Aztec concept of the duality of life.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.