peculiarmaterialist's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Glover, Vermont

The Museum of Everyday Life

This "common-as-dirt" museum celebrates the glory of normalcy.
Petersham, Massachusetts

Fisher Museum Forestry Dioramas

This series of landscape dioramas tell the story of New England forestry in exacting miniature detail.
Montague, Massachusetts

The Montague Book Mill

Books you don’t need in a place you can’t find.
Deerfield, Massachusetts

Deerfield Massacre Mass Grave

Mass Grave of 48 colonists killed in a raid by Native Americans and the French in 1704.
Burlington, Vermont

Tallest Filing Cabinet on Earth

This 38-drawer structure claims the superlative title, but it isn't the world's only giant filing cabinet.
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Dog Chapel

A small chapel celebrating the spiritual bond between dogs and humans.
Chesterfield, New Hampshire

Madame Sherri's Castle

Ruins of the elaborate house where the enigmatic costume designer threw glamorous parties for New York's theatrical elite.
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Libby Museum

The 100-year-old public collection of a New Hampshire dentist that contains taxidermy, Native American artifacts, and a pair of mummy hands.
Lake George, New York

Magic Forest

This throwback amusement park is home to rides and unique storybook figures from the past.
Laconia, New Hampshire

American Classic Arcade Museum

The largest arcade museum in the world chronicles the golden age of video games which ended promptly in 1987.
Ticonderoga, New York

Star Trek Original Series Set Tour

A perfect replica of the beloved show's first set.
Schroon Lake, New York

Frontier Town

This former theme park in New York's Adirondack Mountains fell into ruin before being resurrected as a state-run campground
New Orleans, Louisiana

House of Broel

An impressive collection of dollhouses and an homage to the frog-leg canning industry.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Museum of the American Cocktail

If New Orleans is the birthplace of the "cocktail," why does their own museum of cocktail memorabilia beg to differ?
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Sazerac Bar

This bar named after the world's first mixed cocktail was home to one of New Orleans' most notorious politicians.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Séance Room at Muriel's Jackson Square

The restaurant keeps a hidden séance room on the second floor and reserves a table for the spirit of the former owner each night.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Saint Roch Chapel

A 19th-century shrine covered with prosthetic body parts as votive offerings.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Escape My Room

Imagine playing a version of Legends of the Hidden Temple, but with a distinctly Southern Gothic flare.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lafayette Cemetery

This historic "City of the Dead" lies prominently in the center of New Orleans' famous Garden District.
Kediri, Indonesia

Tanah Lot

Isolated atop this Balinese sea crag is a lovely Hindu temple that is said to be guarded by sea snakes.
Portland, Oregon

Portland's Shanghai Tunnels

The seamy, underground secrets of Portland's criminal past.
Portland, Oregon

The Freakybuttrue Peculiarium

An emporium for the weird, creepy, rare, and just plain gross.
Portland, Oregon

Kidd's Toy Museum

Gigantic private toy museum featuring among finest collections of antique mechanical banks in existence.