pisspops's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Newmains, Scotland

Jim Murray Memorial

This bronze statue pays tribute to a Scottish professional boxer, who tragically died following a championship fight.
Glasgow, Scotland

Fossil Grove

Hidden in a Scotland museum is a copse of extinct tree stumps.
Glasgow, Scotland

Bearsden Roman Bathhouse

Remnants of the Roman empire's northern frontier nestled in suburban Glasgow.
Glasgow, Scotland

Botanic Gardens Railway Station

The abandoned transportation hub hides within the Glasgow attraction it once served.
Glasgow, Scotland

George Square Imperial Measurements

A small collection of objects of a bygone era hide in plain view.
Glasgow, Scotland

'All Greatness Stands Firm in the Storm'

A unique art installation located on what was once considered the widest railway bridge in the world.
Glasgow, Scotland

'La Pasionaria'

Glasgow's memorial to the International Brigade volunteers from Great Britain who fought and died in the Spanish Civil War.
Glasgow, Scotland

Cineworld Renfrew Street

The Guinness Record holder as the "tallest cinema in the world" is a building with screens in almost every one of its 12 floors
Kilmacolm, Scotland

'The Lost XVII'

A missing Roman legion was recreated in sculpture along a Scottish cycling route.
Glasgow, Scotland

Bill Struth's Grave

The unconventional Scottish soccer coach required players to wear a collar, tie, and bowler hat for matches.
Lendalfoot, Scotland

Varyag Memorial

A monument to a Russian cruiser near its final resting place off the Ayrshire Coast.
Wigtown, Scotland

Martyr's Stake

A scene of a heinous act during a troubled period of Scottish history.
Kirkcudbright, Scotland

Kirkcudbright Tolbooth

A 17th-century building that once served as the town's courthouse and jail is now a thriving art center.
Dumfries, Scotland

Big Water of Fleet Viaduct

This 900-foot structure with 20 arches crossing a Scottish river was built in the late 19th century.
Glasgow, Scotland


This neon sign is an homage to an Alfred Hitchcock film.
Eaglesham, Scotland

Whitelee Wind Farm

The biggest onshore wind farm in the United Kingdom.
New Galloway, Scotland

Kenmure Castle

Believed to be the birthplace of John Balliol.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Trongate Cherub

An angelic, yet demonic-looking figurine presides over one of Glasgow's most ancient streets.
Glasgow, Scotland

Jamie Wright's Well

A watering hole from the late 1800s in the heart of the Campsie Fells.
Glasgow, Scotland

Temple Gasometers

These rusting, skeletal structures are monolithic monuments to Glasgow's industrial past
Clydebank, Scotland


A historic shipbuilding town is home to a sail-through fish-and-chips shop.
Glasgow, Scotland

Clydeside Expressway Mural Wall

Vibrant paintings stretch across 600 feet of derelict railway.
Glasgow, Scotland

Mugdock Gunsite

The remains of an anti-aircraft battery from World War II look out over Glasgow.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Highlandman's Umbrella

Displaced highlanders would take shelter from the wet Scottish climate under the large walled bridge at Glasgow Central Station.