pspoirier's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Buford, Wyoming
Places visited in Bemidji, Minnesota
Places visited in Koblenz, Germany
Places visited in Wilmington, England
Places visited in Park Ridge, Illinois
Places visited in Cincinnati, Ohio
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Melrose Park, Illinois

Kiddieland Sign

The sign to a demolished amusement park now stands in front of a local library.
San Francisco, California

Museum of the Eye

A free, public museum dedicated to the fascinating science of sight.
San Francisco, California

Fior D' Italia

America's oldest Italian restaurant is a San Francisco institution.
Washington, D.C.

Dumbarton Bridge

This bridge over D.C.'s Rock Creek Park is sometimes called the "Buffalo Bridge" because of its four buffalo sculptures, which were cast from a single piece of bronze.
Washington, D.C.

The Kreeger Museum

The legacy of a wealthy executive and his wife, this little-known art museum features works by Picasso, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, and more.
Washington, D.C.

Old Post Office Tower

The National Park Service’s best-kept secret with views that rival any in D.C.
Alexandria, Virginia

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution

The final resting place of an unidentified revolutionary soldier sits behind a Virginia church.
St. Louis, Missouri

Compton Hill Water Tower

One of few surviving standpipe water towers in the U.S.
University City, Missouri

St. Louis Walk of Fame

A commemoration of over 150 of St. Louis's favorite sons and daughters.
St. Louis, Missouri

Tower Grove Park Pavilions

The eccentric and colorful pavilions of Tower Grove park are a beloved and overlooked symbol. 
Bentonville, Arkansas

Bachman-Wilson House

A home designed to be on the cutting edge of comfortable, low-cost living.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Thorncrown Chapel

This futuristically sylvan church is a glass-enclosed marvel of modern architecture.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa

This haunted hotel built on natural springs once served as a hospital for a quack doctor promising a cure for cancer.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Basin Park Hotel

An extravagant western hotel where every floor is the "ground floor."
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Astronomical Clock

There has been an astronomical clock on this spot since the 14th century.
Basel, Switzerland

Tinguely Fountain

This artistic fountain display pays homage to this area's theatrical history.
San Francisco, California

Lotta's Fountain

San Francisco's oldest surviving monument and meeting place for 1906 survivors.
San Francisco, California

Vaillancourt Fountain

This concrete tangle of square pipes has stood as a proud thorn in the city's side since the '70s.
San Francisco, California

Phelan Building

The second building of its name to occupy this location might be the finest flatiron building in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

V. C. Morris Gift Shop

Early prototype for Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim.
San Francisco, California

Mechanics' Institute Library and Chess Room

A library built during San Francisco's pioneer times is a student's retreat, bibliophile's sanctuary, and chess player's delight.
Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Water Cribs

These chunky stone towers out in Lake Michigan are the key to Chicago’s drinking water.
Chicago, Illinois

300 South Wacker Drive

A 400-foot-tall tall map of Chicago makes this once-ignored building stand out.
Chicago, Illinois

Essanay Studios

This landmark of the Chicago silent film industry may not be in the picture business anymore but it still stands proudly.