Rainer Heer's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Haigerloch, Germany
Places added to Haigerloch, Germany
Places visited in Bonifacio, France
Places visited in Bamberg, Germany
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Gablenz, Germany

Rakotzbrücke Devil's Bridge

This jaw-dropping 19th-century bridge uses its reflection to form what appears to be a perfect circle.
Chioggia, Italy

Vigo Bridge

A bridge to rival those in nearby Venice but without the crowds.
Bonifacio, France

Escalier du roi d'Aragon (King of Aragon’s Stairs)

A breathtakingly steep set of stairs is carved directly into the face of the sea cliffs of Bonifacio.
Borgo Valsugana, Italy

Arte Sella

An open-air museum in a mountain valley features works designed to blend in with—and disintegrate back into—their natural surroundings.
Mantua, Italy

Casa di Rigoletto

A small villa said to have inspired the design of the court jester at the heart of Giuseppe Verdi's 1851 opera.
Mantua, Italy

Sant'Andrea's Hare

A hidden bas-relief of a hare on a church main portal that brings good luck to the ones who find it.
Mantua, Italy

Sala dei Giganti (Chamber of the Giants)

A room filled with frescos that make it seem like the walls are crumbling down while giants die in despair.
Mantua, Italy

Dropped Triglyphs of Palazzo Te

An architectural oddity where the triglyphs of the courtyard of walls create an optical illusion.
Mantua, Italy

Torre della Gabbia (Tower Cage)

A medieval tower with a suspended iron cage used as an open-air jail for criminals who were exposed as a warning.
Mantua, Italy

Cartiera Burgo (Burgo Paper Mill)

The "floating factory" was a highlight in the career of the Italian architect known for his unusual use of reinforced concrete.
Mantua, Italy

Rotonda di San Lorenzo

The oldest church in Mantua was buried for centuries under the facades of other structures.
Mantua, Italy

Basilica di Sant'Andrea

It took more than 300 years to build this church, which is home to two sacred vessels believed to hold the blood of Christ.
Brescia, Italy

Rinoceronte di Piazza Vittoria

This sculpture of a rhinoceros suspended above a city square is meant to evoke the weight of the human condition.
Basel, Switzerland

Münster Reaction Ferry

This ferry carries passengers across the Rhine propelled by no engine or paddles but by the river's current.
Banavie, Scotland

Neptune's Staircase

The longest staircase lock in Britain.
Venice, Italy

The Mad Colored Houses of Burano

This community on a small Venetian island has taken to painting their houses in bright neon hues.
Amöneburg, Germany


Amöneburg is a town perched on top of a basalt mountain in the middle of an ancient meteor crater.
Dresden, Germany


This small train ride offers stellar views of the Grand Garden Palace.
Orschwiller, France

Haut-Kœnigsbourg Castle

The castle was reconstructed to fit Kaiser Wilhelm II's romanticized vision of the Middle Ages.
Bonnieux, France

Pont Julien

From carts to cars, this leftover Roman bridge in France has managed to survive for centuries.
Apt, France

Chapelle de la Santonne

One man's desire to transcend art led to the construction of this outsider chapel.
Hinterweidenthal, Germany

Kaltenbacher Teufelstisch (The Devil's Table)

It's said the devil used this mushroom rock as a table for a late-night meal.
Berlin, Germany

German Resistance Memorial Center

The site where a plot to assassinate Hitler was planned—and its conspirators were executed—is now a powerful memorial to the German resistance during World War II.
Verona, Italy

Scaliger Tombs

These elaborate gothic monuments honor Verona's medieval lords.