rebeeccaeak's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Marrakesh, Morocco


This amazing oasis of art and plants is hidden on the outskirts of Marrakesh.
El Jadida, Morocco

Portuguese Cistern of El Jadida

An eerie former warehouse turned cistern turned movie set.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Saadian Tombs

Deliberately hidden for centuries, the magnificent Saadian Tombs were eventually uncovered in 1917.
Fez, Morocco

Dar Batha

This former royal palace with gorgeous gardens became the first museum in Morocco.
Fez, Morocco

University of Al-Karaouine

The oldest known university in the world is in Fez, Morocco.
Larache, Morocco

The Site of The Garden of the Hesperides

A mythical garden that once grew the golden apples of wisdom is said to have existed in this ancient Moroccan city.
Marrakesh, Morocco

Ben Youssef Madrasa

The largest madrasa in Morocco once housed more than 900 students within its exquisite walls.
Taza Province, Morocco

Friouato Caves

The true depths of these stunning Moroccan caves are unknown.
Fez, Morocco

Merenid Tombs

Crumbling necropolis set high above Fez.
Meknes, Morocco

Volubilis Archaeological Site

Mosaics, storks, and brothels—this ancient city has it all.
Beira, Mozambique

Macuti Lighthouse and Shipwreck

This rusted shipwreck directly in front of a century-old abandoned lighthouse looks almost surreal.
Keetmanshoop, Namibia

Garas Park Rest Camp

A rustic place to spend the night, complete with amazing quiver trees and outsider art.
Elizabeth Bay, Namibia

Elizabeth Bay Ghost Town

The ruins of this mining boom town stand like skeletal reminders of the settlement's dark history.

Bwabwata National Park

Known as "The People's Park," this verdant oasis is home to elephants and villagers alike.
Windhoek, Namibia

Namibia's Space Ball

Welded sphere dropped from space.
Keetmanshoop, Namibia

Quiver Tree Forest

A rare cluster of alien-like plants grows along a dusty highway.

Eduard Bohlen Shipwreck

Far from the shore, this sandy victim of the Skeleton Coast looks like it was plopped in the middle of the desert.

Namib Sand Sea

A desert that rolls right up to the ocean, where it's so dry animals live off the fog.

Kolmanskop Ghost Town

The remains of diamond fever taken over by the desert.
Osogbo, Nigeria

Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove

The last remaining site of Yoruba worship of the fertility goddess.
Lekki, Nigeria

Lekki Conservation Center

This Nigerian nature reserve is home to the longest canopy walkway in Africa.
Epena, Republic of the Congo

Lake Tele

This picturesque round lake is said to be home to the legendary Mokèlé-mbèmbé.
Salazie, Réunion

Piton des Neiges

Réunion Island's highest point is a 2 million-year-old volcano and a paraglider's paradise.

Trou de Fer (The Iron Hole)

At the center of an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean is a deep chasm ringed by tall waterfalls.