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Vagli Sopra, Italy

Lago di Vagli

This Tuscan lake hides a 13th century town that is still visible when the water recedes.
Sant'Agata Dé Goti, Italy

Sant'Agata de' Goti

This medieval Italian town is a sheer (and beautiful) cliffside defense.
Canale Monterano, Italy

The Ghost City of Monterano

The remains of a town so thoroughly destroyed by French forces that the citizens simply left.
Rome, Italy

Papal Hearts at Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio a Trevi

This former Roman Catholic Church still contains the embalmed hearts and organs of 22 popes.
Genga, Italy

Temple of Valadier

This domed temple was built in a hidden cave mouth as a refuge for sinners seeking absolution.
Florence, Italy

Medici Hall of Maps (Sala delle Carte Geografiche)

Over 50 exquisite hand-painted Renaissance maps decorate a Medici storage room.
Ravenna, Italy

Flooded Crypt of San Francesco

Filled with goldfish swimming in a shallow pool of sea water, this ancient crypt is more wishing well than burial site.
Artesina, Italy

Giant Pink Bunny

Giant, pink stuffed rabbit on an Italian mountain.
Vernazza, Italy

Cinque Terre

Five candy-colored villages on the Italian Riviera.
Venice, Italy

St. Mark's Clock Tower (Torre dell'Orologio)

Go inside to really appreciate this 500-year-old technological masterpiece.
Florence, Italy

Michelangelo's Hidden Drawings

The doodles of a genius line the walls of a secret room under the Medici Chapel, where they were hidden for nearly 500 years.
Naples, Italy

Gabinetto Segreto

The once forbidden "secret cabinet" of erotic art from excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Grizzana Morandi, Italy

Rocchetta Mattei

Sitting on an Italian hilltop is this surreal fortress built by the mad inventor of electrohomeopathy.
Doganella di Ninfa, Italy

Gardens of Ninfa

Ruins of a 10th century church tucked away deep in a botanical garden.
Montegabbione (TR), Italy

La Scarzuola

This 16th-century monastery has been turned into a surrealist architecture compound.
Venice, Italy

The Flooded Crypt of San Zaccaria

As can be expected from a centuries old church built in a canal city, the undercroft of this house of worship is beautifully flooded.
Anacapri, Italy

Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto)

The glowing blue Nymphaeum of Emperor Tiberius.
Rome, Italy

The Mithraeum at Circus Maximus

The underground sanctuary of a mysterious ancient cult.
Nervesa della Battaglia, Italy

Ai Pioppi Playground

Hidden in an Italian forest is a completely homemade amusement park that has taken a lifetime to create.
Saturnia, Italy

Terme di Saturnia

Geothermal waterfalls in Tuscany.

Carezza Rainbow Lake

According to the local folklore, the myriad colors of this lake are the result of a lovelorn wizard's blunder.
Alghero, Italy

Neptune's Grotto

Stalactites and stalagmites in a beautifully lit cave.
Rome, Italy

Quartiere Coppedè

Architectureal fantasy quarter of Rome.
Rome, Italy

Porta Alchemica

An alchemist's "magic door" stands in the middle of a Roman park.