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Places visited in Coral Gables, Florida
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Victoria, British Columbia

Fan Tan Alley

The narrowest street in Canada was once a spot for dastardly doings, now a historic piece of Chinatown.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Gassy Jack' Statue

An effigy of Vancouver's Gastown neighorhood's namesake.
Coldwater, Ontario

Big Chute Marine Railway

This "railway" for boats continues a waterway over a road.
Toronto, Ontario

Gooderham Building

Known as "Toronto's Flatiron."
Montreal, Québec

Paris Métro Sign at Victoria Square

The only example of a Paris Métro sign in use at a subway station outside of the French capital. 
Pickering, Ontario

Pickering Pedestrian Bridge

The longest enclosed pedestrian bridge in the world spans 14 lanes of traffic and six rail tracks, all while lighting up the night sky.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Granville Island Hat Shop

A hat for every occasion can be found in this British Columbia haunt.
Milton, Ontario

Halton County Radial Railway

Take a ride on antique streetcars from across Canada.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

Niagara Falls Floral Clock

This impressive working clock made of 16,000 plants changes its flowers twice a year.
Colborne, Ontario

The Big Apple

This giant roadside fruit is home to an array of apple-based treats.
Sudbury, Ontario

Big Nickel

Possibly the world's largest coin stands just outside of a Canadian science center.
Victoria, British Columbia

Mile 0

A monument stands at one of the starting lines of the Trans-Canada Highway, formerly the longest uninterrupted highway in the world.
Toronto, Ontario

Gordo the Barosaurus

Canada's largest dinosaur skeleton was hidden away in storage for more than 40 years.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Science World Station

The ruins of Vancouver's abandoned heritage railway.
Toronto, Ontario

North Toronto Station

A former Canadian Pacific Railway station turned liquor store, the first and only station in Canada visited by British royalty.
Toronto, Ontario

'Little Canada'

A miniature representation of Canadian cities and landmarks in incredible—and sometimes hilarious—detail.
Toronto, Ontario

Ontario Place

An abandoned 1970s theme park that has been turned into a space for waterfront walking.
Edmonton, Alberta

West Edmonton Mall

This massive mall has hundreds of shops, an amusement park, and a history of deadly amusement attractions.
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Sam Kee (Jack Chow) Building

At just six feet two inches deep, it is said by Guiness and Ripley to be the world’s narrowest freestanding office building.
Maple Ridge, British Columbia

Friendship 500

A floating McDonald's built for Expo '86 is now a derelict relic on Burrard Inlet.
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Shameful Tiki Room

A high point in Vancouver kitsch.
Toronto, Ontario

Toronto Music Garden

This urban oasis is a marvelous meld of music and landscape architecture.
Ottawa, Ontario


Louise Bourgeois' 30-foot-tall steel spider sculpture.
Ottawa, Ontario

The Diefenbunker

Canada's subterranean Cold War museum has doubled as a movie set.