ruthltoews's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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St. Petersburg, Florida

Chihuly Collection

The first custom-designed building to showcase the works of Dale Chihuly is a wonderland of glass and light.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Center Armory

A community gathering place that once housed half-ton tanks and the World's Fair.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario

Screaming Tunnel

Legend says that this short Canadian tunnel still holds the dying screams of a girl who burned alive.
Annapolis, Maryland

John Paul Jones' Crypt

Rediscovered after a century, the father of the American Navy was reinterred in something dredged up from Davy Jones' Locker.
Annapolis, Maryland

Kunta Kinte - Alex Haley Memorial

This statue honors the author's groundbreaking family story.
Annapolis, Maryland

William Paca House And Garden

This Annapolis home was built by one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Fresno, California

Forestiere Underground Gardens

An underground mansion with fruit-bearing trees and grapes growing beneath the surface of central California.
Fresno, California

The Meux Home Museum

The same family lived in this Victorian house for nearly 100 years without altering the building.
Kingsburg, California

Swedish Coffee Pot Tower

A water tower shaped like a giant coffee pot looms over a small Swedish village in Central California.